AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (2024)

The AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 is a pioneering event organized by GooApps that aims to integrate technology and health in a collaborative and highly specialized environment. This challenge will take place throughout October 2024 and will be structured in three online sessions on the 3rd, 10th, and 17th, culminating in an in-person event on October 31st at the Margarita Salas Knowledge Mile in Gijón.

The main objective of the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 is to bring together healthcare professionals, the pharmaceutical industry, and technology experts to address and solve the challenges of the public health system in Spain. Through this collaboration, it aims to improve the quality of care and the efficiency of the healthcare system through innovative technological solutions.

This event stands out for its ability to integrate various emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), and mHealth technologies, which have the potential to make diagnosis and treatment more efficient and personalized. These tools also open new dimensions and possibilities in medical care, facilitating a more comprehensive and preventive approach to health care.

The AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 is a platform for the development of innovative technological solutions, fostering an intersectoral collaborative environment. By bringing together the most influential actors in the health and technology sectors, it promotes the exchange of knowledge and the creation of synergies that can generate solutions to the current public health problems in Spain.

One of the most notable aspects of the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 is the participation of renowned mentors and jury members from the technology and health sectors. A group of these experts will guide the participating teams during the development of their projects, while others will evaluate the proposed solutions as jury members, ensuring that the innovations presented are practical, effective, and have a real impact on the healthcare system.

Throughout this article, we will see who these mentors and jury members are, their professional backgrounds, and how their experience will contribute to the success of the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024.

Introduction to mentors and jury members

In the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, mentors and jury members will play a crucial role in ensuring the success of the event. Their experience and knowledge in the fields of technology and health are essential to guide and evaluate the innovative proposals that will be developed during the challenge.

Mentors are highly qualified professionals who will work closely with the participating teams throughout the entire process. Their primary role is to provide guidance, share technical and strategic knowledge, and offer continuous support to help the teams turn their ideas into viable and effective technological solutions. Thanks to their expertise in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR), mHealth, and other relevant technologies, mentors will help participants overcome obstacles and refine their projects.

On the other hand, the jury members are responsible for evaluating the solutions presented at the end of the event. They will have the task of ensuring that the proposals are innovative, practical, and applicable in the context of the public health system in Spain. Evaluation criteria will include technical feasibility, potential impact, and the ability to solve real problems in the health sector. The jury members will provide a critical and objective perspective based on their extensive experience in their respective fields.

In this article, we will take a look at the profiles of the mentors and jury members of the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024. We will learn about their professional backgrounds, areas of expertise, and how their participation will enrich the event.

Join us on this journey to discover the key people behind the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024.

Getting to know the mentors

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (1)

At the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, mentors play a prominent role by providing guidance, support, and expertise to the participating teams. Each mentor brings a unique perspective, based on years of experience in their respective fields of technology and health.

Fabio Uribe

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Fabio Uribe is a distinguished expert in the field of immersive technologies, with a solid track record in the development and application of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). He is the founder and CEO of MPL XR Company, a firm specializing in immersive solutions that transform the way we interact with technology.

With a career marked by his innovative application of immersive technologies in various sectors, including healthcare, Fabio has led projects that have demonstrated the potential of these technologies to improve medical training, rehabilitation, and overall well-being. His focus on designing immersive experiences has contributed to solutions in telemedicine and eHealth.

At the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Fabio will bring his extensive experience to guide teams in developing applications and solutions using virtual reality and augmented reality. His knowledge of how these technologies can be effectively applied in the healthcare context will be invaluable to participants, helping them create projects that are both innovative and practical, scalable in real-world settings.

Fabio Uribe‘s expertise in immersive technologies promises to offer a unique and enriching perspective, ensuring that the solutions developed during the challenge have high potential to enhance the healthcare sector.

Lourdes González

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Lourdes González is a renowned expert in technological accessibility and social inclusion projects. She currently holds the position of Head of Technological Accessibility at Fundación ONCE, where she has led multiple initiatives to improve the accessibility of information and communication technologies (ICT).

With over 20 years of experience in managing technological and research projects, Lourdes has dedicated her career to promoting design for all and universal accessibility. Her work has been fundamental in developing solutions that facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in various fields, ensuring that new technologies are accessible and usable by all.

At Fundación ONCE, Lourdes has managed projects addressing ICT accessibility, promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination. Her focus on accessibility includes the implementation of inclusive design practices that consider the needs of all people, regardless of their abilities.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Lourdes will bring her expertise in technological accessibility to guide participating teams in developing inclusive solutions. Her knowledge in design for all will be invaluable in ensuring that the projects are both innovative and accessible to a wide variety of users.

Lourdes González will focus on helping teams integrate accessibility principles into their projects, ensuring that the technologies developed can be used by all people, including those with disabilities. Her participation in the challenge will be crucial in promoting inclusion and equity in technological solutions, contributing to a more accessible and efficient healthcare system.

Esteban Gómez

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Esteban Gómez is a distinguished professional in the field of nursing and quality management, with an extensive career spanning over 20 years in the healthcare sector. He is currently the president of the Illustrious Official College of Nursing of the Principality of Asturias (CODEPA).

With competencies and experience in quality management, ergonomics, research, and evidencebased practice, Esteban has been an advocate for institutional renewal in nursing colleges and has founded several scientific societies. His commitment to excellence in care is reflected in his coordination of the BPSO program for centers committed to excellence in care in area VI of SESPA.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Esteban will bring his expertise in quality assessment and healthcare management to guide the participating teams. His knowledge in implementing quality programs and his focus on continuous improvement will help ensure that the solutions developed are practical and effective.

Esteban Gómez will provide a critical and evidence-based perspective, assisting teams in developing technological innovations that are applicable and beneficial to healthcare professionals and patients. His participation as a mentor in the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 will ensure that the proposed solutions are of high quality and contribute to the improvement of the healthcare system.

Jaume Sánchez

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Jaume Sánchez is a prominent leader in innovation and sustainability with experience in promoting inclusive technological solutions. As the CEO and co-founder of 3dthinks, he has driven the development of technologies that enhance accessibility and foster social inclusion.

At 3dthinks, Jaume has led multiple projects focused on using disruptive technologies to create a positive impact on society. His focus on e-mobility and commitment to open source reflect his dedication to developing sustainable and accessible solutions for all. 3dthinks is dedicated to designing and producing products and software that promote accessibility, collaborating with global partners who share this mission.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Jaume‘s experience in technological innovation and sustainability will help guide participants in creating technologically innovative, sustainable, and socially responsible solutions.

Jaume will provide teams with a strategic vision on how to integrate sustainable practices into their projects, ensuring that the solutions developed are viable in the long term and have a positive impact on the environment and society. Additionally, his knowledge in implementing inclusive technologies will help teams consider accessibility from the early stages of development, ensuring that the solutions are usable by all users.

Jaume Sánchez‘s participation in the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 will bring a comprehensive approach that combines innovation, sustainability, and accessibility.

Alba Arroyes

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Alba Arroyes is an expert in innovation management and technology transfer with a solid track record in the research and development sector. She currently serves as the innovation and technology transfer manager at the Institut de Recerca Sant Pau, where she has played a significant role in implementing innovative technologies and promoting applied research projects.

In her role at the Institut de Recerca Sant Pau, Alba has led the coordination of the UNE 166002, a standard that sets the requirements for an R&D&I management system. Additionally, she has been involved in the creation of the INNOPAU incubator and the organization of Innovation Day, an event that brings together researchers and entrepreneurs to foster knowledge transfer and collaboration.

Alba‘s experience in managing innovation projects ranges from identifying innovative ideas to developing and transferring them to the market. She has worked closely with researchers to turn their ideas into viable technological solutions, facilitating the search for funding, partners, and intellectual property protection.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Alba Arroyes will bring her expertise in implementing innovative technologies to guide participating teams in transforming their ideas into real products. Her knowledge in innovation management will help teams navigate the complex process of developing and commercializing new technologies in the healthcare sector.

Tomàs Modroño

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Tomàs Modroño is a specialist in UX/UI design and user experience, with an extensive career in creating and optimizing digital products focused on user needs. As head of UX design at Interactius, a strategic design and user experience agency, he has led multiple projects that combine technology and design to improve the usability and accessibility of various applications and services.

With a background in technical engineering in computer management and a master’s degree in multimedia design, Tomàs has developed a career focused on user research, conceptualization, design, and evaluation of digital products. His focus on human-computer interaction and his use of agile methodologies and Design Thinking processes have helped create solutions that meet technical requirements and offer an exceptional user experience.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Tomàs will participate as a mentor, bringing his expertise in UX/UI design to guide the participating teams. His ability to analyze user experience and application usability will be invaluable in helping teams develop intuitive and accessible technological solutions.

Tomàs will focus on advising teams on how to integrate user-centered design principles, ensuring that interfaces are clear, efficient, and easy to use. His experience in information architecture and mental models will allow him to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the projects, providing the necessary feedback for their continuous improvement.

Eric García

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (8)

Eric García is the CEO of GooApps, a leading company in the development of mobile applications and artificial intelligence solutions focused on the health, sports, and wellness sectors. With over 15 years of experience in the technology sector, he has been a pioneer in creating apps that improve people’s quality of life through digitalization.

Under his leadership, GooApps has stood out for its focus on developing personalized and user-friendly apps that place people at the center of the solution. The applications developed by GooApps have facilitated quick access to information and communication, thus improving the productivity and well-being of their users. Eric’s mission has always been to create apps that are innovative but also easy to use and capable of fostering a positive impact on people’s daily lives.

At the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Eric will bring his experience in mobile app development to guide participating teams. His knowledge in creating technological solutions that improve health and wellness will help participants design and develop apps that are effective and have a real impact on users.

Eric García Ordoñez will focus on providing teams with insights on best practices in app development, including optimizing user experience (UX/UI) and implementing innovative mobile technologies. His experience in digitalization and commitment to improving well-being through technology will ensure that the solutions developed during the challenge are practical, innovative, and aligned with market needs.

Getting to know the jury members

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (9)

At the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, the jury members have the important task of evaluating the solutions presented by the participating teams. Their role is key to ensuring that the proposals are innovative, viable, and effective in the context of the healthcare system. Each jury member brings extensive experience in their respective fields, providing a critical and objective evaluation of the projects.

Below, we introduce the jury members, highlighting how their expertise will contribute to the evaluation of the solutions in the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024.

Emma González

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (10)

Emma González is an expert in innovation management in biomedical projects, with a distinguished career in promoting and developing innovative technologies in the healthcare sector. She currently works as a senior innovation project manager at the Ramón y Cajal Institute for Health Research (IRYCIS), where she is also responsible for quality in the innovation unit and secretary of the quality commission.

With a solid background in molecular biology and a career that includes roles in the medical specialties department at Pfizer, Emma has accumulated extensive experience in evaluating, developing, and commercializing technological innovation projects. Her work at IRYCIS focuses on driving innovative ideas from conception to practical implementation, facilitating technology transfer and ensuring that developed solutions reach the market or are applied within the hospital.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Emma will bring her expertise in innovation management to evaluate the solutions proposed by the participating teams. Her knowledge in identifying unmet needs and creating strategies for developing and protecting new technologies will help assess the feasibility and significant impact of the proposals.

Emma‘s participation will ensure a criterion for evaluating solutions that are innovative, applicable, and capable of improving the healthcare sector. Her contribution will help identify projects that can enhance medical care and promote innovation in the field of biomedicine.

Lucho Domínguez

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (11)

Lucho Domínguez is an expert in strategic design and user experience (UX) with over two decades of experience in innovation and entrepreneurship. He currently leads innovation at Interactius, a prominent user-centered design agency, where he has developed solutions that align user needs with business objectives.

At Interactius, Lucho has worked on a wide range of projects, from user research and digital product design to conversion rate optimization (CRO) and accessibility auditing. His methodological and user-centered approach has been key to creating functional, highly usable, and accessible digital products.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Lucho Domínguez will serve as a mentor, bringing his expertise in UX design and innovation strategies. His contribution will help teams conceptualize and develop solutions that offer an exceptional user experience.

Lucho will guide the teams in implementing user-centered design methodologies, ensuring that technological solutions are intuitive, accessible, and aligned with the real needs of users in the healthcare sector. His experience in optimizing user experience will help participants create interfaces that facilitate the adoption and efficient use of new technologies by professionals and patients.

Additionally, Lucho will advise on how to conduct effective user research and apply those insights in product development.

Isaac Cano

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (12)

Isaac Cano is a leading figure in digital health transformation and the CEO of Health Circuit, a spin-off from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. With over 20 years of experience in implementing innovative integrated care and precision medicine services, Isaac has been a pioneer in developing digital solutions that improve the quality of healthcare.

Under his leadership, Health Circuit has developed the Surgifit platform, which facilitates the large-scale adoption and implementation of innovative services such as home hospitalization and surgical prehabilitation. These initiatives have been recognized as best practices by the OECD, highlighting their impact on healthcare efficiency and effectiveness.

Isaac‘s specialization in patient risk stratification and the development of predictive tools, both at the population level and for clinical decision support, has enabled him to contribute to the transformation of the healthcare system through digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Isaac Cano will participate as a member of the jury, bringing his extensive experience in digital health transformation to evaluate the technological solutions presented by the participating teams. His knowledge in the integration of digital technologies and his focus on personalized healthcare will be essential to ensure that the evaluated solutions are practical, effective, and scalable.

Marc Espí

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (13)

Marc Espí is a consultant in artificial intelligence (AI) and business development, with a solid background in electronic engineering and a professional career focused on marketing and sales. As co-founder of SoffIA, he has worked to democratize access to AI training and project development in companies from various sectors.

At SoffIA, Marc has designed customized training programs that help companies become more productive and adapt to the new work reality. Additionally, he has collaborated with renowned brands such as Enagás and Dorna Sports (MotoGP), creating training solutions that contribute to organizational growth and efficiency. His experience also includes founding AIdda, a company that implements modern marketing and sales strategies for SMEs.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Marc will serve as a member of the jury, bringing his expertise in AI project evaluation and business development. His deep knowledge in the application of AI technologies will be crucial for assessing the technical feasibility and potential impact of the solutions presented.

Marc will provide participating teams with a rigorous and objective evaluation, focused on the practical applicability of technological innovations. His experience in developing business strategies will enable him to identify proposals with the greatest potential for scalability and market success.

Carlos Battyán

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (14)

Carlos Battyán is an expert in digital health and remote monitoring, with experience in developing and implementing innovative technological solutions in the healthcare sector. As CEO of menntun & mQS, companies that offer training and consulting services in education, business, health, and quality, he has led multiple initiatives that integrate technology and health to improve patients’ quality of life.

His specialization in mobile health (mHealth) and the use of wearables such as smartphones, smartwatches, and other smart devices has allowed Carlos to drive remote monitoring projects that facilitate continuous and accurate patient tracking. These innovations help improve medical care and optimize clinical processes, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions based on real-time data.

During the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, Carlos will bring his expertise in digital health to evaluate the solutions proposed by the participating teams. His knowledge in implementing remote monitoring technologies will help identify projects that can provide effective patient monitoring and improve clinical outcomes.

Carlos Battyán will focus on evaluating the technical feasibility and potential impact of mHealth innovations, ensuring that the developed solutions are practical and scalable.

Jury members who are also mentors

In the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024, several experts will play dual roles as mentors and jury members, bringing their expertise both in guiding the participating teams and evaluating the developed solutions. The mentors who will also act as jury members are:

  • Fabio Uribe
  • Lourdes González
  • Esteban Gómez
  • Jaume Sánchez
  • Alba Arroyes
  • Eric García Ordoñez

Event organization

Below we will see how the organization and coordination between the participating teams and mentors will take place, as well as the process for selecting the finalist projects and the winner.

Coordination with the mentors

The participating teams will have access to a directory that will include the mentors’ contact information and a briefing on their areas of expertise and how they can help. Participants can contact the mentors in the following ways:

  • Via email: Teams can send questions and receive responses from the mentors without limit, as long as the use is appropriate and conditioned by the mentor’s availability.
  • Via video calls: One-on-one sessions between mentors and teams will be offered without limit on consultations, provided the use is appropriate and conditioned by the mentor’s availability.

This availability will ensure that teams receive the necessary support in all phases of their project development, facilitating access to technical and strategic knowledge for the success of their proposals.

Selection process for finalist projects and winner

The selection process for the finalist projects and the winner will take place in two stages:

Selection of finalist projects:

  • Selection date: Finalist projects will be selected before September 19, 2024.
  • Evaluation criteria:
    • Problem solved (20%)
    • Simplicity of the solution (20%)
    • Feasibility of pilot implementation (30%)
    • Scalability and business model (20%)
    • Team involved (10%)

Out of all the proposals presented, four finalist projects will be selected to participate in the final phase of the challenge.

Selection of the winning project:

  • Selection date: The winning project will be selected on October 31, 2024, during the in-person event at the Margarita Salas Knowledge Mile in Gijón.
  • Evaluation criteria:
    • Problem solved (20%)
    • Simplicity of the solution (20%)
    • Feasibility of pilot implementation (30%)
    • Scalability and business model (20%)
    • Team involved (10%)

The winning project will be chosen from among the four finalists and will receive the main prize.


The AI & mHealth Challenge 2024 is a unique platform that brings together the best talent in technology and health to address the most relevant challenges in the healthcare system. The participation of the mentors and jury members we have discussed will be crucial to the success of the event.

The mentors will guide the participating teams at every stage of the process, from conceptualization to development and implementation of innovative technological solutions. Their continuous support and strategic guidance will ensure that the proposals are practical, viable, and aligned with market needs.

On the other hand, the jury members will offer a critical and objective perspective, ensuring that the most relevant solutions are recognized and awarded. The feedback they provide will be invaluable for the continuous improvement of the projects, helping teams refine their proposals and prepare them for successful implementation.

We invite everyone to closely follow the development of the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024. Getting to know the participants and their projects is an opportunity to be inspired by the solutions that will help shape the future of healthcare. Stay tuned for updates and progress on this exciting event, and discover how technology and interdisciplinary collaboration can enhance healthcare and well-being.

We encourage healthcare professionals and technology experts to submit their challenges to the AI & mHealth Challenge 2024. The registration period will be open until August 31. Don’t miss the opportunity to present your ideas and be part of this transformative initiative.

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (16)

AI & mHealth Challenge 2024: Mentors and members of the jury - GooApps English (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.