[ read more';void 0!==a.placeID&&"TM_"!=a.placeID.substring(0,3)&&void 0!==a.placeName&&a.answerURL!="/p/"+a.placeID?(l+=' or explore '+a.placeName+"",void 0!==a.placeID2&&"TM_"!=a.placeID2.substring(0,3)&&void 0!==a.placeName2&&a.answerURL!="/p/"+a.placeID2&&(l+=' or '+a.placeName2+"")):void 0!==a.placeID2&&"TM_"!=a.placeID2.substring(0,3)&&void 0!==a.placeName2&&a.answerURL!="/p/"+a.placeID2&&(l+=' or explore '+a.placeName2+""),l+=' ]
driving / 3 days / no pets / no RV
Farmington (New Mexico) to Houston road trip planner
Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Farmington (New Mexico) to Houston. If you're planning a road trip to Houston, you can research locations to stop along the way.Make sure you check road conditionsto double check the weather. Traveling with a dog or cat? Find pet-friendly stops. Camping along the way? Search for RV campgrounds. Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on themost talked about places recommended by Trippy members.
customize this trip
Day 1
10:00 am start in Farmington (New Mexico)
drive for about 3 hours
12:52 pm stay at
stay for about 1 hour
and leave at 1:52 pm
drive for about 3.5 hours
5:13 pm Tucumcari
stay overnight and leave the next day around 10:00 am
day 1 driving ≈ 6 hours
find more stops
Day 2
10:00 am leave from Tucumcari
drive for about 1.5 hours
11:45 am Amarillo
stay for about 1 hour
and leave at 12:45 pm
drive for about 3 hours
3:30 pm Altus
stay for about 1 hour
and leave at 4:30 pm
drive for about 1.5 hours
5:52 pm Wichita Falls
stay overnight and leave the next day around 9:00 am
day 2 driving ≈ 6 hours
find more stops
Day 3
9:00 am leave from Wichita Falls
drive for about 2.5 hours
11:21 am Dallas
eat at Pecan Lodge
stay for about 4 hours
and leave at 3:21 pm
drive for about 3 hours
6:08 pm Buc-ee's
stay for about 1 hour
and leave at 7:08 pm
drive for about 2 hours
9:00 pm arrive in Houston
stay at Hotel ZaZa
day 3 driving ≈ 7 hours
find more stops
Where should I stop along the way?
(3 mentions)
Tucumcari (6 answers)
questions about Tucumcari:
What are the must see/must stay/ must eat places in Tucumcari?
Amarillo (43 answers)
questions about Amarillo:
Wichita Falls (5 answers)
Dallas (163 answers)
Perot Museum of Nature and Science (14 mentions)
Dallas Museum of Art (12 mentions)
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza (10 mentions)
Nasher Sculpture Center (9 mentions)
Klyde Warren Park (8 mentions)
restaurants around Dallas:
Pecan Lodge
Lockhart Smokehouse
Peggy Sue BBQ
questions about Dallas:
What's the best neighborhood in Dallas for a first time visitor?
Where is the best barbeque in Dallas?
Where to go for lunch in Dallas?
Dallas must see sites
Best breakfast spots in Dallas?
Buc-ee's (2 mentions)
Where's the best place to stay in Houston?
Are you going straight to a hotel, orlooking for a vacation rental or Airbnb?
The best resource on neighborhoods, areas,and hotels is the Trippy page onwhere to stay in Houston.
If you're looking for a quick answer, you can check out Hotel ZaZa, which was mentioned 4 times on Trippy.
Want to research more popular hotels in Houston?Click the blue button below.
Where's the best place to eat in Houston?
Need some recommendations on somewhere to get food?
Trippy members suggest Uchi, which was mentioned 10 times.
Here are some more restaurants people talk about:
(5 mentions)
Gatlin's BBQ (5 mentions)
Hugo's (4 mentions)
Goode Company Barbeque (3 mentions)
Want to research more popular restaurants in Houston?Click the blue button below.
What are some things to do in Houston?
This section could be endless, so rather than trying tosuggest every local activity or attraction, we'll leave itopen-ended.
These are some of the places people talk about on Trippy:
Houston Galleria (8 mentions)
Hermann Park (7 mentions)
Houston Museum of Natural Science (5 mentions)
Cavender's Boot City (4 mentions)
Miller Outdoor Theatre (4 mentions)
Of course, Trippy is the perfect place to ask questionsbecause there's an entire community of travelers talkingto each other and sharing tips and advice. Trippy is whereyou can get answers personalized for your tastes, budgets,trip dates & more!
For example, here are some questions people have asked about Houston. Click on any question to see answers from the community!
Emily from Ann Arbor asked:
Best Mexican restaurants in town? (15 answers)
Norma from asked:
MD Anderson patient (11 answers)
Meradith from Scottsdale asked:
Young Professional Neighborhood (10 answers)
Geraldine from asked:
Favorite places to eat in Houston? (9 answers)
Valerie from Los Angeles asked:
What is your favorite restaurant in Houston? (8 answers)
Click the button below to explore more questionsand answers related to Houston.
Do I really have to go back home?
Yes, even this step is optional, because if you're on vacationwho wants the trip to end? It's okay, you can start planning yournext trip!
Want to plan the trip back? Get the reverse directions for aHouston to Farmington (New Mexico) drive, or go to the main page to plan a new road trip.
You can also compare the travel time if you're flying or drivingby calculating the distance from Farmington (New Mexico) to Houston. Or get a full Farmington (New Mexico) to Houston flight plan.
Don't forget about exploring your own hometown with a staycation.You can also find some cool day trips or get away for a weekend.Maybe try typing in a faraway location like London, Hong Kong,or Sydney, and get inspired for your dream trip around the world.
And if you know Farmington (New Mexico) well, please help your fellowtravelers and answer their questions about Farmington (New Mexico)!