Manage Process Definitions (2024)

This section describe how you can manage the process definitions.

Manage Process Definitions

  1. Navigate to Automation > Process Automation > Process Definitions to view the list of saved process definitions.
  2. Hover over the process definition you want to manage and click the actions menu (…) on the right.
  3. You will have the following options to manage the process definition:
    • Copy: Duplicate the selected process definition.
    • Remove: Delete the selected process definition.
    • Audit Logs: View the change history for the selected process definition.
    • Export/Import: Export or import process definitions.
    • Edit: Modify the selected process definition.
    • Enable/Disable for Notification: Turn notifications on or off for the selected process definition.
Manage Process Definitions (1)

Copy Process Definitions

The copy feature can provide a quick foundation for creating a new process definition based on an existing one. You can copy a process definition on the Process Definitions page.

  1. On the row of the process definition you want to copy, click the actions menu (…) on the right.
  2. Click Copy.
    The dialog displays a copy of the selected process on the workflow canvas and provides a default name. You can change the name if you want to.
  3. Continue editing the process definition, using the copied definition as a starting point.
  4. Click Save or Save & Deploy to save or save and deploy the new process definition.

Remove Process Definitions

On the Process Definitions page, you can remove/delete one or multiple process definitions. To do this, follow the steps described below.

To remove the single process definition from the list, follow these steps:

  1. On the Process Definitions page, choose the process definition you want to remove from the list.
  2. Click Remove from the action menu on the right-hand side.
  3. From the confirmation dialog box, click Remove to remove the definition.
  4. This will remove the selected process definition.
Manage Process Definitions (2)

To remove the multiple process definitions from the list, follow these steps:

  1. On the Process Definition page, select the process definitions you want to remove from the list.
  2. Click the Remove button in the right top corner.
  3. From the confirmation dialog box, click Remove to remove the definition.
  4. This will remove the selected process definitions.
Manage Process Definitions (3)

Audit Logs

Export and Import the Process Definitions

Users can now export one of the process definitions across an organization (i.e. Partners/Clients) via JSON file.

To Export the existing process definition, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Process Definition page, select the process definitions from the list for which you want to export data.
  2. The export link will be available against each process definition under the Actions icon.
  3. After clicking the export link, the JSON file is downloaded to your local system.
    Manage Process Definitions (4)

Follow the steps below to create a new process by Importing an existing process definition data:

  1. Click on import icon to import the downloaded JSON file.
  2. Click Import.
    Manage Process Definitions (5)
  3. The process definition has now been created and added to the overview page.
  4. Finally, click Activate to activate the newly created process definition. The imported process definition would not have an export feature unless it is activated.
    Manage Process Definitions (6)
  5. Make any necessary changes to the process and then click Save and Deploy.
  6. The process is now enabled and ready for execution.
    To identify the imported process definition across the org, the import symbol has been provided on process definition.
    Manage Process Definitions (7)

Edit Process Definitions

You can edit the properties of a process definition from the Process Definitions page.

  1. Click the Name of the process definition you want to change.
  2. On the workflow canvas, make the process changes you want.
  3. Click Save or Save & Deploy to save or save and deploy the new process definition. Click Close to exit without saving changes.

Enable and Disable the Process

Use the PROCESS DEFINITIONS list view to enable or disable the processes as needed:

  1. Click Automation > Process Definitions to display the process list.
  2. In the Enabled column, click the toggle button.
Manage Process Definitions (8)

Enable and Disable the Notify Toggle

Use the Notify toggle to receive the notifications whenever a particular workflow is failed or stuck for the specified recipients . Recipients could be a within platform user or any other external email id can be specified in the cc field.

You can configure the waiting time before triggering email, the frequency of emails to be sent, the list of users to be notified and cc users list for failed tasks as well as stuck tasks.

The following options are available to configure the notifications:

  • When Stuck - Option indicates that the process definition has been in a stuck state at a particular task for a specified period of time.

  • When Failed - Option indicates that the process definition has failed at a particular task for a number of times.

Manage Process Definitions (9)

When you select the above options When Stuck and When Failed, the following fields are available:


Notify and Cancel

Configured users will receive email notifications accordingly with the configured time and error count frequency.

The configured users will receive email notifications accordingly with the configured time and error count frequency, and the stuck running instance will be moved to the Completed section with the state shown as "Externally Terminated".

Duration TimeWhen Stuck has the following options:

15, 20, 25, 30, 45, and 60.

When failed has the following options:

2 to 10

If any process instance is stuck or has failed, users will be notified for the selected duration.
Notify FrequencyOnly Once

Every Time

If Only Once is selected,the process workflow will send only one email notification to the user when a task is stuck or failed for the specified duration. When the Every Time option is selected, the process workflow will keep on sending the notification whenever the workflow is failing or stuck for the specified duration.
Notify UsersSelect from the listYou can select the list of available users from the drop-down list to send email notifications.
CC UsersAny external email addressIf you want to notify any external email address, mention it in the cc field.
Manage Process Definitions (10)

As part of enabling the Failure/Stuck notifications for process workflows, a new column Notify is added under the Workflows listing page. If the user enables or disables the notify option in this listing page, it will get enabled or disabled in the workflow page accordingly.

Manage Process Definitions (2024)


What is the meaning of process management? ›

Process management is a systematic procedure that ensures effective and efficient business processes are in place. It is a set of activities that align business processes with strategic goals. A well-defined process plays a crucial role in a business's positive growth.

Which of the following is a good reason for managing processes? ›

Overall, process management is a tool to ensure that a company runs smoothly. By analyzing, improving, and standardizing processes, companies can save money, reduce errors, and better serve their customers.

Is defining and managing all the work required to complete the project successfully? ›

Project Scope management involves defining and managing all the work required to complete the project successfully.

Which balanced scorecard perspective asks the question? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. The balanced scorecard perspective that asks the question, how do customers see us? is customer perspective.

What is management process and its definition? ›

A management process is a system of coordinating work activities, and actions so that they are completed efficiently and effectively. The managerial process includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. The management process helps to ensure that an organization's goals are met.

What are the 5 steps of the management process? ›

The 5 phases of the management process are planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and evaluating.

What is the most important step in the management process? ›

Planning is one of the most important management process functions. It involves making short-term and long-term plans, followed by subsequent action to achieve goals. The process involves creating strategies and anticipating potential problems that may arise while implementing these goals.

What is an effective management process? ›

To encapsulate, effective management can be defined as the competence of getting things done efficiently and effectively with and through other people. It involves the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of resources including people, material, and money, to achieve organizational goals.

Why is management a process? ›

Process refers to the series of steps or basic functions necessary to get the things done. Management is a process because it performs series of functions, like, planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling in a sequence.

What are the five steps when managing a project? ›

The project life cycle includes five main stages: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closure. Keeping an eye on the completion of each phase helps ensure the project stays on time and within budget.

What are the four elements of managing a project? ›

In conclusion, effective project management requires a comprehensive understanding of the four key elements of project management: scope, time, cost, and quality. By managing these elements effectively, you can ensure that your project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

What are 3 main success criteria to think a project is successfully finished? ›

The three project success criteria are the triple constraints: Cost, scope, and time. Success hinges on these three elements, even though the specifics may vary depending on the project's industry, employer, or goal.

What is the first step of the control process? ›

The first step in the controlling process is fixation of standards because standards are the criteria against which actual performance would be measured. Standards serve as benchmarks towards which an organisation strives to work. It can be set in both quantitative and qualitative terms.

What are the 4 pillars of the balanced scorecard? ›

The four perspectives of a traditional balanced scorecard are Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth.

What is the most important perspective in balanced scorecard? ›

Therefore, the very top perspective is all about financial objectives. Essentially, any key objective that is related to the company's financial health and performance may be included in this perspective. Revenue and profit are obvious objectives that most organisations list in this perspective.

What is the management process in simple terms? ›

The management process is a system that combines all of an organization's activities to achieve its goals. It involves planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The term 'management' refers to managing an organization through its functions and activities using certain principles and methods.

What are the basics of process management? ›

Process management involves the use of various tools and techniques to identify, analyze, and improve upon a company's existing processes. This includes analyzing the current workflow to identify areas where improvements can be made, and then making those changes in order to optimize the process.

What is another word for process management? ›

Workflow management is another term that is often mentioned in connection with process management. While workflow management is about coordinating and organizing processes, process management is about integrating these individual business processes into a larger whole.

What are the three types of process management? ›

The three types of process management are operational, project, and Business Process Management.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.