IN THE COUNTY COURTIN AND FOR SARASOTACOUNTY, FLORIDACASE NUMBER: 11-CC-2350-SCDIVISION:C9AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURION BANK, - = @Plaintiff, =o 5BBLORI S. SIMENSKY, Soe 2 #Defendant(s). SoS = £3/ 2 an yw= f& UONOTICE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WITHIN COURT FILINGPursuant to Florida of Judicial Administration 2.420(d)(2), the filer of a court record at the time of filingshall indicate whether any confidential information is included within the document being filed; identify theconfidentiality provision that applies to the identified information; and identify the precise location of theconfidential information within the document being filed.Title/Type of Document(s): Affidavit and Credit Card StatementsIndicate the applicable confidentiality provision(s) below from Rule 2.420(d)(1)(B), by specifying thelocation within the document on the space provided:Chapter 39 records relating to dependency matters, termination of parental rights, guardians ad litem,child abuse, neglect, and abandonment. § 39.0132 (3), Fla. Stat. (If the document is filed within a Chapter39 case, this form is not required.)Adoption records. § 63.162, Fla. Stat. (If the document is filed within a Chapter 63 adoption case, thisform is not required.)X__ Social Security, bank account, charge, debit, and credit card numbers in court records. § 119.0714(1)()-(j), (2)(a)-(e), Fla. Stat. (Unless redaction is requested pursuant to § 119.0714(2), this information isexempt only as of January 1, 2011.)HIV test results and patient identity within the HIV test results. § 381.004(3)(e), Fla. Stat.Sexually transmitted diseases — test results and identity within the test results when provided by theDepartment of Health or the department’s authorized representative. § 384.29, Fla. Stat.(eich imeeBirth and death certificates, including court-issued delayed birth certificates and fetal death certificates.§§ 382.008(6), 382.025(1)(a), Fla. Stat.Identifying information in petition by minor for waiver of parental notice when seeking to terminatepregnancy. § 390.01116, Fla. Stat. (If the document is filed within a Ch.390 waiver of parental noticecase, this information is not required.)Identifying information in clinical mental health records under the Baker Act. § 394.4615(7), Fla. Stat.Records of substance abuse service providers which pertain to the identity, diagnosis, and prognosis ofand service provision to the individuals who have received services from substance abuse serviceproviders. § 397.501(7), Fla. Stat.Identifying information in clinical records of detained criminal defendants found incompetent to proceedor acquitted by reason of insanity. § 916.107(8), Fla. Stat.Estate inventories and accountings. § 733.604(1), Fla. Stat.Victim’s address in domestic violence action on petitioner’s request. §741.30(3)(b), Fla. Stat.Information identifying victims of sexual offenses, including child sexual abuse. §§ 744.1076, 744.3701,Fla. StatGestational surrogacy records. § 742.16(9), Fla. Stat.Guardianship reports and orders appointing court monitors in guardianship cases. §§ 744.1076, 744.3701,Fla. Stat.Grand jury records. Ch. 905, Fla. Stat. (If the document is filed in a Ch.905 grand jury proceeding, thisform 1s not required.)Information acquired by courts and law enforcement regarding family services for children. § 984.06(3)-(4), Fla. Stat. Uf the document is filed in a Ch.948 family services for children case, this form 1s notrequired.Juvenile delinquency records. §§ 985.04(1), 985.045(2), Fla. Stat. (If the document ts filed in Ch. 985juvenile delinquency case, this form is not required.)Information disclosing the identity of persons subject to tuberculosis proceedings and records of theDepartment of Health is suspected tuberculosis cases. §§ 392.545, 392.65, Fla. Stat.Presentence investigation reports and attached psychological or psychiatric evaluations Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.712; §§ 921.23101)G), 948.0159), Fla. Stat.& ASSOCIATES, P.C.rian K. SzilvasyFlorida Bar #0163351Attorney for Plaintiff10550 Deerwood Park BlvdBldg. 300, Ste. 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 997-1120Fax: (904) 997-215]Note: The clerk of court shall review filings identified as containing confidential information to determinewhether the information is facially subject to confidentiality under the identified provision. The clerk shallnotify the filer in wnting within 5 days if the clerk determines that the information 1s NOT subject toconfidentiality, and the records shall not be held as confidential for more than 10 days, unless a motion 1s filedpursuant to subdivision (d)(3) of the rule. Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.420(d)(2). :STATE OF: MassachusettsCOUNTY OF: EssexAFFIDAVITDebtor: LORI S. SIMENSKYAccount N ae—_RINDASALAS personally appeared before me this day, and swore or affirmed that the belowaffidavit is true and correct, and states as follows:1. Iam an Assistant Custodian of Records of AMERICAN EXPRESS CENTURION BANK, the Plaintiffin this action.2. Plaintiff is a state bank, chartered under the laws of the State of Utah with a principal place of businessin Salt Lake City, Utah.3. Ihave personal knowledge of the Plaintiff's methods and procedures for the creation and maintenance ofits business records for credit card accounts such as the one at issue 1n this case.4. Itis the regular business practice of the Plaintiff that entries are made in its business records only byindividuals having personal knowledge of the information reflected therein and that such entries aremade at or near the time the events reflected in them occurred.5. I have access to business records maintained by Plaintiff in its normal course of business for the accountat issue in this case, and such records of this account are maintained under my supervision.6. The document(s) attached hereto are true and correct copies of the agreement and statement that wereprovided to the Defendant(s) in the regular course of business.7. Ihave personally inspected the attached documents for the account at issue, and said amounts due andowing and the computations contained in the account are true and accurate.8. The amount of this claim is just and true and all just and lawful offsets, payments, and credits have beenallowed.9. The amount due and owing on the account at issues $5,760.51.SignatureLINDA SALASASSISTANT CUSTODIAN OF RECORDSName and TitleOn this C | day of, before me, the undersignedNotary Public, personally appeared, proved to me, to be the(\ person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document and who swore or affirmed to me that thecontents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of (his) (her) knowledge and belief ANIELLE NICHOLSNotary Public|Hi RcOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS §| My Comniussion ExpiresAugust 3, 2018 _4 (official signature and seal of notary)My Commission Expires Sy 6CD25454 FDR920679 pl2:FDR815199 3/6/2008 5:04 PM Page 1 fbFDR 920679AC SeT Tam ARTS Caer vim heer T MeO TtlmOrvarsnoili asVICE meW iC Tae vi UK AKM OADM CUTM ST FITWelcome to American Express CardmembershipThis document and the accompanying suppiement(s)constitute your Agreement. Please read and keep thisAgreement. Abide by its terms. When you keep, sign or use theCard issued to you {including any renewal or replacementCards), or you use the account associated with this Agreement{your “Account”), you agree to the terms of this Agreement.The words “you,” “your” and “yours” mean the person whoapplied for the Account and the person to whom we addressbilling statements, as well as any person who agrees to be liableon the Account. The “Basic Cardmember’” is the person whoopened the Account. At your request, we may also issue a Cardon your Account to another person (an “AdditionalCardmember’). The term “Card” refers to the AmericanExpress® Card issued to you, all other Cards issued on yourAccount, and any other device (such as Account numbers andconvenience checks) with which you may access your Account.“We, “our” and “us” refer to American Express CenturionBank, the issuer of your Account.Using the CardYou may use the Card to obtain goods and services fromany person who accepts the Card (“Purchase(s}”). You mayalso use the Card to obtain loans (“Cash Advance(s)”) throughvarious means we may make available (e.g., ATM machines)up to the applicable limits on your Account. At our discretion,we may permit you to transfer balances from other accounts toyour Account (“Balance Transfer(s)”). At our discretion, wemay issue convenience checks that you can use to access yourAccount. Each convenience check may be used only by you.You may not use convenience checks to pay any amount youowe under this Agreement or to pay any other account youhave with us or our affiliates. Transactions you make inresponse to promotional offers from us will be subject to theterms of the promotion and this Agreement.All amounts charged to your Account, including Purchases,Cash Advances, Balance Transfers, convenience checks, annualfee(s), if any, any amounts guaranteed by use of the Card, otherfees, and any Finance Charges, are “Charges.” A conveniencecheck that we identify as having been made payable to cash, toyou, or to a bank, brokerage or similar asset account will betreated as a Cash Advance. Any other convenience checkand/or a Balance Transfer will be treated as a Purchase, exceptas otherwise noted. If you make a Purchase or a BalanceTransfer, or use a convenience check, that is governed by apromotional offer from us, the.Charge will be included in aPromotional Balance, unless we notify you otherwise.You agree not to let any person use a Card except aCardmember whose name is on it. You agree to notify us if theCard is lost or stolen, or you suspect that it is being usedwithout your permission. You agree to use the Account only forPurchases, Cash Advances, or Balance Transfers that are lawfuland are permitted under this Agreement. We may issue yourenewal or replacement Cards before a previously issued Cardexpires.If you or an Additional Cardmember authorize a thirdparty to bill Charges on a recurring basis to your Account(“Recurring Charge(s)”), we may (but are not required to)provide such third party with your current Account status,Card number and/or expiration date to permit that third partyto continue billing your Account. We may take such steps even“if your account number changes or if we issue a renewal orreplacement Card to you or an Additional Cardmember. Towithdraw authorization for a Recurring Charge, you mustnotify the third party.ExpressPayThe Card may be equipped with the ExpressPay feature("ExpressPay"), which enables you to make Charges withouthaving the Card swiped or imprinted at a participatingmerchant. ExpressPay uses a computer chip that is built intothe Card and transfers encrypted payment informationwirelessly when you hold the Card to a contactless reader.Charges made with ExpressPay are as secure as other Chargesyou make with the Card. ExpressPay generates a uniquecryptogram to further protect your account from fraudulenttransactions. If you notify us that the Card is lost, stolen or hasbeen fraudulently used, the Card and the ExpressPay featurewill be deactivated and another may be reissued. You agree touse ExpressPay only in accordance with our instructions, andyou agree not to attempt to get cash with ExpressPay from anysource. You may cancel the ExpressPay feature on the Card orany Additional Card at any time upon notice to us by callingthe number on the back of the Card.Annual FeeThere is no annual fee for this Account.Credit LineA portion of your credit line may be available to you forCash Advances up to your Cash Advance limit. We may, at anytime and in our sole discretion, increase and/or decrease yourcredit line and Cash Advance limit. We may limit Charges at anautomated teller machine (“ATM”) to the lesser of (i) a total of$1,000 in any seven-day period, or (ii) the remaining amountof the Cash Advance limit on your Account; and we mayimpose additional limits at our sole discretion (in addition toany limits imposed by the ATM’s owner). Your billingstatements will show your credit line and Cash Advance limitand the unused portions of such line and limit as of thestatement date. You agree to manage your Account so that yourbalance for Cash Advances {including fees and FinanceCharges) will not exceed the Cash Advance limit and youroverall balance (including fees and Finance Charges) will notexceed your credit line. You agree to pay us, immediately uponrequest, the amount of any balance on your Account in excessof any applicable credit line or limit. We reserve the right todecline any attempted Charge, even if the Charge would notcause you to exceed your credit line or limit.We are not responsible for any losses or other consequencesif a transaction on your Account is not approved for anyreason, even if you have sufficient credit available. Except asotherwise required by applicable law, we will not beresponsible if any merchant refuses to honor the Card or forany other problem you may have with a merchant.Promise to PayYou promise to pay all Charges, including Charges incurredby Additional Cardmembers, on your Account. This promiseincludes any Charge for which you or an AdditionalCardmember indicated an intent to incur the Charge, even ifyou or the Additional Cardmember have not signed a chargeform or presented the Card. You also promise to pay anyCharge incurred by anyone that you or an AdditionalCardmember let use the Card, even though yor: Sin. agreednot to let anyone else use the Card.Status of and Responsibility for Additional CardmembersAdditional Cardmembers do not have accounts with us.Instead, they are authorized users on your Account, and theCards issued to them may be cancelled by you or us at anytime. You must notify us to revoke an AdditionalCardmember’s permission to use your Account. You areresponsible under this Agreement for all use of your Accountby the Additional Cardmembers, and by anyone else you or anAdditional Cardmember lets use the Card, and the Chargesthey incur will be billed to you. You have this responsibilityeven if you did not intend for an Additional Cardmember, orother person, to use the Card for any transactions.An Additional Cardmember is not liable for Chargesincurred by the Basic Cardmember or by other AdditionalCardmembers. However, by each use of the Additional Card toincur Charges, the Additional Cardmember indicates his or heragreement to pay us for the Charge if you fail to or refuse topay it, and we may, at our discretion, pursue AdditionalCardmembers for payment of Charges they incur or authorize.You authorize us to provide Account information to AdditionalCardmembers and to discuss the Account with them.You agree to notify each Additional Cardmember, at thetime he or she becomes an Additional Cardmember, that wemay receive, record, exchange and use information about himor her in the same manner we do with information about you,as described below in the Consumer Reports, TelephoneMonitoring/Recording, and Suspension/ Cancellation sectionsof this Agreement. You agree to notify each Additional—e—CD 25454 (05/08)Cardmember that Additional Cardmembers are subject to allapplicable provisions of this Agreement.Billing StatementsYou must notify us immediately of any change in themailing or e-mail address to which we send billing statementsor notices that a billing statement has been posted (“BillingAddress”). If you wish a Billing Address change to apply tomore than one account you maintain with us, you must tell us.You agree that we may also update your Billing Address if wereceive information that your Billing Address has changed or isincorrect.The “New Balance” appears on your billing statement. Todetermine the New Balance, we begin with the outstandingbalance on your Account at the beginning of each billingperiod, called the “Previous Balance” on the billing statement.We add any Charges, subtract any credits or payments creditedas of that billing period, and make other applicableadjustments.Minimum Amount DueEach billing statement will reflect a Minimum AmountDue. Payment is due by the time and date shown and in themanner prescribed on the statement. The Minimum AmountDue will not exceed the New Balance. You may pay more thanthe Minimum Amount Due, up to the entire outstandingbalance, at any time. To calculate the Minimum Amount Due,we add together the following amounts, round the result to thenearest whole dollar, and then add any amount past due:(1) the greatest of:(a) 2% of the New Balance (excluding from the NewBalance any over-limit amount and any late fees orover-limit fees);(b) the lesser of:(i) current billed Finance Charges plus 1% of the NewBalance (excluding from the New Balance anyover-limit amount, any late fees or over-limit feesand finance charges), or(ii) 4% of the New Balance; or(c) $15;(2) any over-limit fees added during the billing period;(3) any late fees added during the billing period; and(4) 1/24th of any over-limit amount (the part of your NewBalance in excess of your credit line).Adjusted Minimum Amount DueSummary: If you consistently pay more than the_Minimum Amount Due outlined above, we may calculate yourminimum payment without any late fees, over-limit amount orthe additional 1% of the balance referenced in (1)(b)(i). If wedo this, and finance charges are more than 2% of the balance,we may add $15 to your minimum payment. For informationabout how this works, read the detailed description below.Detailed Description: We may adjust the outlinedcalculation above by removing the late fees in (3), the over-limit amount in (4) and “plus 1% of the New Balance” in(1)(b)(i). In the adjusted calculation, we will exclude only theover-limit fees from the New Balance in (1)(a). After theadjustment, if (1) is equal to the current billed FinanceCharges, we will increase your Minimum Amount Due by $15.We will apply the adjusted calculation to your Account if:+ the sum of your payments (credited to your Account inthe six consecutive billing periods ending with theClosing Date of the current billing period) is greater thanthe sum of the Minimum Amounts Due (for the sixconsecutive billing periods ending with the Closing Dateof the previous billing period, not using the adjustedcalculation and including the amount past due in onlythe first of those six periods);« the sum of the Minimum Amounts Due is equal to thesum of your payments and it is less than or equal to $90;+ the sum of the Minimum Amounts Due is zero and weused the adjusted calculation in the last billing periodwhen your Minimum Amount Due was not zero; orit is the first billing period ending on or after November16, 2007, and your Account was opened before that date.If we adjust your Minimum Amount Due, we will do so forat least six billing periods, and if we stop adjusting yourCD25454 FDR920679 p12:FDR815199 3/6/2008 5:04 PM Page 2 epMinimum Amount Due, we will not adjust it again for at leastsix billing periods, regardless of your payment history.PaymentsAll payments must be sent to the payment address shownon your billing statement and must include the remittancecoupon from your billing statement. You must pay us in U.S.currency, with a single draft or check drawn on a U.S. bank andpayable in U.S. dollars, or with a negotiable instrument payablein U.S. dollars and clearable through the U.S. banking system,or through an electronic payment method clearable throughthe U.S. banking system. Your Account number must beincluded on or with all payments. If we decide to accept apayment made in a foreign currency, you authorize us tochoose a conversion rate that is acceptable to us to convertyour remittance into U.S. currency, unless a particular rate isrequired by law.Payments conforming to the above requirements that wereceive no later than the hour specified on your billingstatement will be credited to your Account as of the dayreceived; payments conforming to the above requirements thatwe receive after the hour specified on your billing statementwill be credited to your Account as of the following day.If payment does not conform to the requirements statedabove, crediting may be delayed. If this happens, additionalCharges may be imposed. We may accept late payments,partial payments or any payments marked as being payment infull or as being settlement of any dispute without losing any ofour rights under this Agreement or under the law. Our accep-tance of any such payments does not mean we agree to changethis Agreement in any way. You agree that an acceptance ofsuch payments will not operate as an accord and satisfactionwithout our prior express written approval.Subject to applicable law, we will apply and allocatepayments and credits among balances and Charges on yourAccount in any order and manner determined by us in our solediscretion. In most cases, we will apply and allocate paymentsfirst to balances at lower Annual Percentage Rates (“APRs”)and then to higher APR balances, and apply Purchase creditsfirst to the balance from which the corresponding debitoriginated. However, for servicing, administrative, systems orother business reasons, we may apply and allocate paymentsand credits among balances and to Charges on your Account insome other order or manner that we may determine in our solediscretion. You agree that we have the unconditional right toexercise this discretion in a way that is most favorable orconvenient to us.Authorization for Electronic Debit to Your CheckingAccountWhen you provide a check as payment, you authorize us touse information from your check to make an electronic fundtransfer from your account or to process the payment as acheck transaction. If we process your check electronically,funds may be withdrawn from your bank or asset account assoon as the same day we receive your check. Also, if we processyour check electronically, you will not receive that cancelledcheck with your bank or asset account statement.Finance ChargesA. Finance Charges begin to accrue for each Charge as ofthe date the Charge is added to the daily balance, as describedbelow. If payment in full for any New Balance shown on thestatement for a billing period is credited to your Account bythe Payment Due Date shown on that statement, then FinanceCharges will not accrue for Purchases from the date on whichpayment in full of that New Balance is credited to yourAccount until the end of the billing period in which suchpayment is credited to your Account. In addition, FinanceCharges will not accrue for Purchases during a billing period if(a) the Previous Balance shown on the billing statement forthat billing period is zero or a credit balance, or (b) payment infull for the New Balance, if any, shown on the statementscovering the two immediately preceding billing periods iscredited to your Account by the respective Payment Due Datesshown on those statements. For purposes of this paragraph,Purchases do not include Balance Transfers or conveniencechecks.B. The Daily Periodic Rate (“DPR”) for Purchases and theDPR for Cash Advances are each based on an APR, which mayvary. The APR for Cash Advances is the Prime Rate plus14.99%. A DPR is 1/365th of the APR. Your DPRs and APRs forPurchases appear on the accompanying supplement(s). WhenFDR 920679an APR changes, we apply it to any existing balance subject tothat rate.C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless a higher rateapplies under any other provision, the APR for all balancesexcept Cash Advances will be equal to the Prime Rate plus12.99% if during any Review Period any portion of anyMinimum Amount Due is not credited to your Account by itsPayment Due Date. The “Review Period” is the period,constituting approximately one year, of twelve consecutivebilling periods ending with the Closing Date of the currentbilling period, whether or not you received a statement foreach such billing period.D. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the DPR {andcorresponding APR) on all balances will increase to the DefaultRate if during the Review Period (i) payment of yourMinimum Amount Due is not credited to your Account by thePayment Due Date in any two billing periods, (ii) a payment onyour Account is not honored by your bank or other financialinstitution, or {iii) you exceed any designated credit limit onyour Account three or more times. The “Review Period” is theperiod, constituting approximately one year, of twelveconsecutive billing periods ending with the Closing Date of thecurrent billing period, whether or not you received a statementfor each such billing period. If the Default Rate is applied, itwill apply to your Account for a minimum of twelveconsecutive billing periods, beginning with the current billingperiod. The Default Rate is a DPR which corresponds to anAPR equal to the Prime Rate plus 21.99%.E, The “Prime Rate” is determined once with respect toeach billing period. The Prime Rate for each billing period isthe Prime Rate published in the Money Rates section (orsuccessor section) of The Wall Street Journal on (a) the first dayof that billing period or (b) the day that is two days prior to theClosing Date of that billing period, whichever is higher. In eachcase, if such a day is not a customary publication day for TheWall Street Journal, we will substitute the closest preceding daythat is a customary publication day. if The Wall Street Journalceases or suspends publication, we may refer to the Prime Ratepublished in any other newspaper of general circulation inNew York, New York, or we may substitute a similar referencerate at our sole discretion. Any increase or decrease to an APRresulting from a change in the Prime Raie takes effect as of thefirst day of the billing period. An increase in the Prime Ratemeans that the variable APRs (and corresponding DPRs)applicable to your Account will increase and you may incurhigher Finance Charges and may have a higher MinimumAmount Due.Average Daily Balance Method for Calculation of FinanceChargesWe use the Average Daily Balance method to calculateFinance Charges on your Account. Under this method, weseduce? -rdate the Finance Charges on your Account by applying theDPi-4ccounts that we permit you to enroll in theProgram. The words “your Bank Account” refer to the accountheld by a bank, securities firm or other financial institutionfrom which payment will be made when you maketransactions under the Program. The words “your bank” meanthe bank, securities firm or other financial institution thatholds your Bank Account. The words “other options” refer toelectronic payment transfer options and/or other cash accessthat American Express may make available from time to time,including the option to pay your Account bill electronicallyusing a computer, phone or other device.Your Account is governed by the Cardmember Agreementthat is attached to this EFT Agreement. That agreement andthe capitalized terms in it also apply here.Payment for Cash TransactionsEach time you initiate a transaction under the Program,you instruct and authorize us or our agent to draw a check orinitiate an automated clearing house (“ACH”) debit in yourname on your Bank Account, payable to us or to our agent, inthe amount of the transaction. The amount of the transactionis the amount of the Account bill you paid or other fundstransfer you authorized, plus any applicable fees or charges.We may charge a fee of $38 for each check or ACH debitdrawn by us or our agent in connection with the Program thatis not honored upon first presentment, subject to applicablelaw. Your bank may also assess its customary charge for suchitems, if any.Dishonored Requests for PaymentsIf any check or ACH debit drawn by us or our agent inconnection with the Program is not honored by your bank, weCD25454 FDR920679 pl2:FDR8151993/6/2008have the right to charge the amount of any such transaction,and the dishonored payment fee referred to above, to the CardAccount or to collect the amount from you. If this happens, wemay cancel your right to participate in the Program.For certain Bank Accounts, you may have a separateagreement with us or with a participating bank, securitiesfirm, or other financial institution that allows a line of credit tobe accessed in the event that your Bank Account containsinsufficient funds to make payment to us. You should refer tothe appropriate agreement relating to that line of credit for theterms and conditions that govern its use.Liability for Unauthorized Transactions and Advisability ofPrompt ReportingYou must tell us AT ONCE if you believe a transactionunder the Program has been made without your authorization.Telephoning is the best way of minimizing possible losses. If atransaction was unauthorized, and within two days after youlearn about it you notify us that the transaction wasunauthorized, we will not hold you liable for that transaction.In any event, even if you fail to notify us, your liability for anyunauthorized transaction or series of related unauthorizedtransactions shall not exceed $50, If you believe that someonehas transferred or may transfer money from your BankAccount without permission, call:1-800-528-4800 (within U.S.)or 1-336-393-1111 (outside U.S.) anytime, or write: AmericanExpress Credit Department, P.O. Box 53830, Phoenix, Arizona85072-3830.Our Liability for Improper Transactions or PaymentsIf a transaction is not completed as you have directed or ifwe do not complete a transfer to or from your Bank Account ontime in the correct amount, we will research and correct it asnecessary, once you advise us. We will also reimburse you foryour actual losses or damages, if any, caused by our error.However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable toyou in the following instances:+ if, through no fault of ours, your Bank Account does notor did not contain enough money to complete thetransaction or the transfer would exceed an establishedcredit limit;if the funds in your Bank Account are or were at the timeof the attempted transaction subject to legal process orother encumbrance restricting the transaction;if circ*mstances beyond our control (such as fire orflood) prevent or prevented the transaction, despitereasonable precautions that we have taken;« ifa technical malfunction known to you prevented thetransaction;* or any other exceptions stated in this EFT Agreement.Business DayFor purposes of this EFT Agreement, our business days areMonday through Friday. Holidays are not included.ArbitrationThe Card Account is governed by the CardmemberAgreement contained herein. The Arbitration provisioncontained within that agreement applies to this EFTAgreement. Please refer to that provision as you read this EFTAgreement.PrivacyElectronic funds transfers you initiate pursuant to this EFTAgreement are covered by the American Express PrivacyPolicy, a copy of which was given to you together with yourAmerican Express Card. To view our Privacy Policy online,please visit to Contact UsIf for any reason you wish to contact us about the Program,about your participation in the Program, or about transactionsrelating to the Program, write or call us as follows:Address: American Express Travel Related ServicesCompany, Inc., Electronic Funds Services, P.O. Box 297815, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33329-7815 or e-mail us by clicking on theCustomer Service link online at 1-800-CASH-NOW. 24 hours a day, seven daysa week.In Case of Errors or Questions About Your ‘ransactionsWrite or call us at the number or address given above assoon as you can if you think your statement or receipt is wrongor if you need more information about a transaction listed onyour statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which theproblem or error appeared. If you are delayed in contacting usFDR 9206795:04 PM Page 5 Odue to extenuating circ*mstances (such as a hospital stay), wemay extend this 60 days for a reasonable time.1. Tell us your name and Account number.2. Describe the error or the transaction you are unsureabout, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is anerror or why you need more information.3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us yourcomplaint or question in writing within 10 business days* fromthe date you notified us.We will tell you the results of our investigation within 10business days” after we hear from you and we will correct anyerror promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take upto 45 calendar days to investigate your complaint or question.If we decide to do this we will assure that your bank recreditsyour Bank Account within 10 business days* for the amountyou think is in error, so that you will have the use of the moneyduring the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If weask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we donot receive it within 10 business days* following your oralnotification, we may not recredit your Bank Account.If notification of an error is received within 30 calendardays after your Bank Account is opened, we will have 20business days to provide you with the results of ourinvestigation and correct any error, and 90 days to completethe investigation.If we determine that there was no error, we will send you awritten explanation within three business days after we finishour investigation. Upon your request we will provide you withcopies of the documents that we used in our investigation. Ifwe have provisionally recredited your Bank Account during theinvestigation and determine that there was no error, we willnotify you of the date on which we will redebit your BankAccount, and the amount to be debited. You should makecertain that your Bank Account contains sufficient funds tocover this debit. If it does not, we have the right to charge suchamount to the Account or to collect the amount from you. Ifthis happens, we may cancel your right to participate in theProgram.TerminationWe, or any bank or financial institution participating in theProgram, may add to or remove from the Program any or allATMs or extend or limit the services provided at any locationwithout notifying you beforehand. In addition, we maydiscontinue the Program at any time.Your right to participate in the Program will be terminatedor suspended if the Card Account is cancelled or suspended, ifyou cancel the authorization you have given your bank todirectly charge checks to your Bank Account, if the BankAccount from which payment will be made when you maketransactions under the Program is closed to withdrawaltransactions by... "-¢ 77ents, if your participation in theProgram is inactive for 18 consecutive months or more, or ifthe Card Account is no longer in good standing.In addition to the foregoing, we may revoke your right toparticipate in the Program, at any time, at our sole discretion,with or without cause, subject to applicable law. If we do so, wewill send you written notice, but we may not send you thenotice until after the revocation. We also have the right to denyauthorization for any requested transaction, at any time, at oursole discretion, with or without cause, and without giving younotice, subject to applicable law. You may terminate yourparticipation in the Program but you must do so by writing tous at the address disclosed in the Section of this EFTAgreement entided How to Contact Us.Prior Agreements and Assignments- This EFT Agreement supercedes all prior agreements youmay have with us relating to the Program. We have the right toassign this EFT Agreement to a subsidiary or affiliate companyat any time.AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL RELATED SERVICESCOMPANY, INC.Note for Massachusetts ResidentsGeneral Disclosure Statement: Any documentationprovided to you which indicates that an electronic fundstransfer was made shall be admissible as evidence of suchtransfer and shall constitute prima facie proof that suchtransfer was made.The initiation by you of certain electronic funds transfersfrom your Bank Account will, except as otherwise provided in—o—this EFT Agreement, effectively eliminate your ability to stoppayment of the transfer.UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS EFTAGREEMENT, YOU MAY NOT STOP PAYMENT OFELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS; THEREFORE, YOUSHOULD NOT EMPLOY ELECTRONIC ACCESS FORPURCHASES OR SERVICES UNLESS YOU ARE SATISFIEDTHAT YOU WILL NOT NEED TO STOP PAYMENT.Disclosure of Account Information to Third Parties: Ifyou give us your written authorization to disclose informationabout you, your Account or the transactions that you make toany person, that authorization shall automatically expire 45days after we receive it.Optional Limit on Obtaining Cash: You have the optionto request that we limit the total amount of cash that you mayobtain from ATMs in a single day to $50. If you elect thisoption we will take all reasonable steps to comply with yourrequest.*For Massachusetts residents: 10 calendar days instead ofbusiness days.Qactiwim matleamertys|Program DescriptionReturn Protection offers you guaranteed productsatisfaction on designated items purchased entirely with aneligible American Express Card. If you try to return adesignated item within 90 days from the date of purchase andthe merchant won't take it back, American Express will refundthe full purchase price, up to $300 per item, excluding shippingand handling, and up to a maximum of $1,000 annually perCardmember Account.How to File a Return Protection RequestOnce you have verified that the merchant will not acceptthe designated item, call 1-800-297-8019 within 90 days of thepurchase date to notify us of your request. Within 30 days fromthe date of your initial call, we need to receive the following:¢ Original store receipt» American Express Card record of chargee Any other items deemed reasonable by us to processyour requestOnce your request has been approved, you will beinstructed to send the purchased item to us within 30 days.Please keep a record of your shipping statement, as you willneed to provide proof of shipping in the event that yourdesignated items are not received. You are responsible for theshipping and handling charges for the item. The refund - up to$300 per item and up to a maximum of $1,000 perCardmember per year - will be reimbursed to you.LimitationsPurchases must be made in the United States and chargedin full on your Card. A refund will not be paid if, on the date wereceive your Return Protection Request, or on the date ofwould-be payment, any amount on your Card Account is pastdue for one or more billing cycle(s) or your Card is canceled.Refunds are limited to $300 per designated item, and $1,000annually per Cardmember Account. The item must be in “likenew” condition (not visibly used or worn) and in workingorder to be eligible. An item is eligible if it may not be returnedby the Cardmember to the merchant from which it wasoriginally purchased. Any item purchased from a merchantthat has an established return/ satisfaction guarantee programwhich is greater than or equal to the terms of ReturnProtection, and provides coverage for claim, will not be eligiblefor a Return Protection Refund. Product rebates, discounts ormoney received from lowest price comparison programs wiilbe deducted from the original cost of the item. The maximumyou will be compensated will not exceed the manufacturer'ssuggested retail price.Items not eligible for a refund are: animals and livingplants; one-of-a-kind items (including antiques, artwork, andfurs); limited edition items; going-out-of-business sale items;consumable or perishable items with limited life spans (such asperfume, light bulbs, non-rechargeable batteries); jewelry(including, but not limited to, loose gems, precious stones,metals, and pearls); watches; services and additional costs(such as installation charges, warranties, shipping, ormemberships); rare and precious coins; used, altered, rebuiltand refurbished items; custom-built items, cellular phones;pagers; compact discs; digital video discs; mini discs;audiotapes; videotapes; computer software; firmware (such asCD25454 FDR920679 pi2:FDR815199 3/6/2008console games, Nintendo, etc.); maps; books of any kind;health care items (such as blood pressure machines anddiabetes equipment); formal wear; tickets of any kind;motorized vehicles (such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, orairplanes) and their parts; Jand and buildings; firearms;ammunition; negotiable instruments (such as promissorynotes, stamps and travelers checks); cash and its equivalent;and items permanently affixed to home, office, vehicles, etc.,(such as garage door openers, car alarms).If you have any questions regarding a Return ProtectionRequest or the Return Protection program, please call ourCustomer Service Department at 1-800-297-8019.eCOiCai Manse TYThe information below summarizes the terms andconditions of the Extended Warranty plan (formerly theBuyer's Assurance Plan). Extended Warranty is underwrittenby AMEX Assurance Company, Administrative Office, GreenBay, WI. Coverage is determined by the terms, conditions, andexclusions of Policy AX0953 and is subject to change withnotice. This document does not supplement or replace thePolicy. Please call us at the number on back of yourAmerican Express Card for a complete copy of your termsand conditions. Extended Warranty will extend the terms ofthe original manufacturer's warranty for a period of time equalto the duration of the original manufacturer's warranty, up toone (1) additional year (Centurion Cardmembers up to three(3) additional years) on warranties of five (5) years or less thatare eligible in the United States of America.Description of BenefitsWhere a loss has occurred during this plan’s extendedwarranty time period of up to one (1) additional year{Centurion Cardmembers up to three (3) additional years), wewill provide a benefit equal to the coverage of the originalmanufacturer's warranty on warranties of up to five (5) years.We will pay up to the actual amount charged to your accountfor the product for which a loss is claimed, but not to exceed$10,000. Ifthe product also is covered by a purchased servicecontract, this plan's extended warranty time period begins atthe end of the service contract and extends the originalmanufacturer's warranty for a period of time equal to thatwarranty, up to one (1) additional year (CenturionCardmembers up to three (3) additional years). If thecombined coverage of the original manufacturer's warrantyand the purchased service contract exceed five (5) years, theproduct purchased is not eligible under this plan and nocoverage applies. Extended Warranty does not reimburse forshipping and handling expenses or installation, assembly,professional advice, maintenance or other service charges. Ifyou experience more than one loss in a calendar year, we willpay an amount not to exceed $50,099 forall lasses in a.calendar year. Our benefit paymeni wilt wut iuciude anyproduct rebates, discounts or money received from the lowestprice comparison programs that reduced the original cost ofthe property.ExclusionsBenefits are not payable if the loss for which coverage issought was directly or indirectly, wholly or partially,contributed to or caused by: 1. any physical damage,including, but not limited to, damage as a direct result ofnatural disaster or a power surge, except to the extent theoriginal manufacturer's warranty covers such damage; 2.mechanical failure covered under product recall; or 3. fraud orabuse or illegal activity of any kind by the cardmember._ Purchases Not CoveredThe following are not covered: 1. products covered by anunconditional satisfaction guarantee; 2. motorized vehicles(including, but not limited to, passenger cars, trucks,motorcycles, boats, airplanes) and their parts, subject to highrisk, combustible, wear and tear or mileage stipulations(including, but not limited to, batteries, carburetors, pipes,hoses, pistons, brakes, tires, or mufflers); 3. motorized devicesand their parts used for agriculture, landscaping, demolition orconstruction; 4. motorized devices and their parts which arepermanent additions or fixtures to a residential or commercialbuilding; 5. business fixtures, including, but not limited to, airconditioners, refrigerators, heaters; 6. land or buildings; 7.consumable or perishable items; 8. animals or living plants; 9.more than one article in a pair or set. Coverage will be limitedto no more than the value of any particular part or parts,FDR 9206795:04 PM Page 6unless the articles are unusable individually and cannot bereplaced individually, regardless of any special value they mayhave had as part of a set or collection; 10. items still underinstallment billing; 11. additional service contract or extendedwarranly coverage for a computer, computer component orpart that you buy which already comes with an original UnitedStates of America manufacturer's warranty, unless suchcoverage is provided and administered by the originalmanufacturer; and 12. items purchased for resale, professional,or commercial use (this does not apply to OPENCardmembers).General ProvisionsExcess CoverageIf any loss under this policy is insured under any othervalid and collectible policy, then this policy shall cover suchloss, subject to its exclusions, conditions, provisions and otherterms herein, only to the extent that the amount of such loss isin excess of the amount of such other insurance which ispayable or paid.Termination or CancellationCoverage will cease on the earliest of the following: 3. thedate you no longer maintain a permanent residence in the 50United States of America, the District of Columbia, Puerto Ricoor the U.S. Virgin Islands; 2. the date we determine that you orsomeone on your behalf intentionally misrepresented or fraudoccurred; 3. the date the policy is cancelled; 4. the date you areno longer a cardmember; 5. the date your account ceases to becurrent and in good standing; or 6. the date the plan is notavailable in the location where you maintain a permanentresidence. Termination or cancellation of coverage will notprejudice any claim originating prior to termination orcancellation subject to all other terms of the policy. Thecompany has the right to cancel the policy at any time bysending a written notice at least forty five (45) days in advanceto you at your last known address. The notice will include thereason for cancellation.Form NumbersEW-DOC-CCSG]1 02/07, EW-DOC-CCSG2 02/07, Ew-DOC-OSBN1 02/07, EW-DOC-OSBN2 02/07Applicable for Residents of the State of AlaskaForm Number: PP/EW-RDR1-AK 06/07Applicable for Residents in the States of Arizona andIndianaForm Numbers: EW-IND-CCSGI 07/07, EW-IND-CCSG207/07, EW-IND-OSBN} 07/07, EW-IND-OSBN2 07/07Applicable for Residents of the State of KentuckyForm Number: PP/EW-RDR1-KY 05/07-In theTermination or Cancellation section: The company has theright to cancel the policy at any time by sending a writtennotice at least seventy-five (75) days in advance to you at yourlast known address.Applicable for Residents of the State of OklahomaForm Number: PP/EW-RDR1-OK 07/07-The following isadded to your Description of Coverage: WARNING: Anyperson who knowingly, and with intent to injure, defraud ordeceive any insurer, makes any claim for the proceeds of aninsurance policy containing any false, incomplete ormisleading information is guilty of a felony.Applicable for Residents of the State of OregonForm Number EW-RDR1-OR 05/07-In the Exclusionssection the following is removed: 3. fraud or abuse or illegalactivity of any kind by the cardmember;Applicable for Residents of the State of South DakotaForm Number: PP/EW-RDRI-SD 05/07Applicable for Residents of the State of TexasForm Number: EW-IND-TX 07/07Applicable for Residents of the State of VermontForm Number: PP/EW-RDR1-VT 05/07TTRa IPRs mat cre ety}Description of CoverageUnderwritten by AMEX Assurance Company,Administrative Office, 480 Pilgrim Way, Suite 1400, Green Bay,WI 54304Purchase Protection provides coverage for Your purchasesfor ninety (90) days from the date of purchase when Youcharge any portion of the price of the purchased item to Your—e—Account. You will be reimbursed only for the amount chargedto Your Account. (See Description of Benefits section.)DefinitionsCertain words used in this Description of Coverage arecapitalized throughout and have special meanings. Whereverused herein, the singular shall include the plural, the pluralshall include the singular, as the context requires.Account means Your American Express Card Account.Cardmember means a person who has been issued aUnited States of America based proprietary American ExpressCard, which is Current and in Good Standing, and who has aPermanent Residence in the 50 United States of America, theDistrict of Columbia, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.Covered Incident
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MOTION TO COMPEL RESPONSES TOGARCIA VS KIA AMERICA, PLAINTIFF’S REQUESTS FORCVSW2400805INC PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS SETONE BY JENNY GARCIATentative Ruling:A party may file a motion compelling further answers to requests for production if it finds that theresponse is inadequate, incomplete, or evasive, or an objection in the response is without merit or toogeneral. (CCP § 2031.310.) Unless notice of the motion is given within 45 days of the service of the verifiedresponse, or any supplemental verified response, or on or before any specific later date to which thepropounding party and the responding party have agreed in writing, the propounding party waives anyright to compel a further response. (CCP § 2031.310(c).) The 45-day rule does not begin to run untilverifications are provided. (Golf & Tennis Pro Shop, Inc. v. Sup. Ct. (2022) 84 Cal.App.5th 127, 136.) Here,Kia served its unverified responses on 4/23/2024. (Ryu Decl. ¶ 4, Ex. B.) There is no evidence thatverification has been served. Thus, the motion is timely as the 45-day rule has not yet begun to run.Under CCP § 2031.310(b), the parties are required to meet and confer. A single letter followed bya response of refusal may be sufficient in certain circ*mstances to constitute a proper meet andconfer. (Obregon v. Sup. Ct. (1998) 67 Cal.App.4th 424, 432.) The court, however, will also consider thetime available before the motion deadline, the extent to which the responding party was complicit in thelapse of time, and the prospects of success through meet and confer. (Id. at 432–33.)Here, Plaintiff sent one letter on 5/7/2024. (Ryu Decl. ¶ 5, Ex. C.) Kia responded on 5/23/2024,offering to further discuss the matter via email or telephone. (Proudfoot ¶ 8, Ex. C.) Rather than continueto meet and confer, Plaintiff filed the instant motion on 6/11/2024. As discussed above, the 45-daydeadline on the motion had not yet begun to run when it was filed. Thus, the Court finds that the partieshave not properly met and conferred regarding the subject discovery.Accordingly, the Court orders the parties to further meet and confer either in person, telephoneor videoconferencing within 10 days of this order. If the parties cannot agree, the parties are ordered tosubmit a joint separate statement of outstanding issues.The court continues the motion and ORDERS the parties to further meet and confer either inperson, telephone or videoconferencing. The court also ORDERS the parties to file a joint separatestatement regarding any outstanding issues.This matter is continued to October 29, 2024, at 8:30 AM to give the parties time to comply.4.LEWING VS CITY OF DEMURRER TO COMPLAINT BY CITYCVSW2403928TEMECULA OF TEMECULATentative Ruling:I. Meet and ConferDefendants have satisfied their obligation to meet and confer pursuant to C.C.P. § 430.41(a).(Decl. of Jacqueline C. Lee at ¶¶ 2-4.)II. Demurrer StandardA general demurrer lies where the pleading does not state facts sufficient to constitute a causeof action. (C.C.P. § 430.10(e).) In evaluating a demurrer, the court gives the pleading a reasonableinterpretation by reading it as a whole and all of its parts in their context. (Moore v. Regents ofUniversity of California (1990) 51 Cal.3d 120, 125.) The court assumes the truth of all material factswhich have been properly pleaded, of facts which may be inferred from those expressly pleaded, and ofany material facts of which judicial notice has been requested and may be taken. (Crowley v. Katleman(1994) 8 Cal.4th 666, 672.) However, a demurrer does not admit contentions, deductions or conclusionsof fact or law. (Daar v. Yellow Cab Company (1967) 67 Cal.2d 695, 713.) If the complaint fails to state acause of action, the court must grant the plaintiff leave to amend if there is a reasonable possibility thatthe defect can be cured by amendment. (Blank v. Kirwan (1985) 39 Cal.3d 311, 318.)III. On the MeritsA. Disability DiscriminationFEHA bars discrimination on the basis of medical condition and physical disability. (Gov. Code§12926(i) & (m).) In order to establish a prima facie case of discrimination, plaintiff must show that heor she: (1) suffered from a disability or was regarded as suffering from a disability; (2) could perform theessential duties of the job with or without reasonable accommodations, and (3) was subjected to anadverse employment action because of the disability or perceived disability. (Sandell v. Taylor-Listug,Inc. (2010) 188 Cal.App.4th 297, 310.) “A physical disability may be temporary or short term andincludes not only physical impairments that are actually disabling, but also physical impairments that arepotentially disabling or are perceived as disabling or potentially disabling.” (Ross v. County of Riverside(2019) 36 Cal.App.5th 580, 594.)In the present case, the only reference in the Complaint to a possible disability is Plaintiff'sallegation that after she was told that the investigation into her alleged misconduct had been completedbut Defendant was still investigating Plaintiff's harassment claims, Plaintiff requested time off due to heranxiety, loss of sleep, headaches, and stress. (Complaint at ¶ 29.) It is unclear from the Complaint whatexactly Plaintiff's disability is, and if Defendant knew of her alleged disability. Accordingly, theallegations are insufficient to meet the first element of a claim for disability discrimination. Additionally,Plaintiff does not allege facts showing she could perform the essential duties of the job with or withoutreasonable accommodations. Accordingly, the demurrer to the cause of action for disabilitydiscrimination is sustained with leave to amend.B. Failure to AccommodateThe elements of a failure-to-accommodate cause of action are: (1) the plaintiff has a disabilityunder FEHA; (2) the plaintiff is qualified to perform the essential functions of the position; and (3) theemployer failed to reasonably accommodate the plaintiff’s disability. (Lui v. City and County of SanFrancisco (2012) 211 Cal.App.4th 962, 970.) Under Gov. Code § 12940(m), an employer is liable forfailure to accommodate where an employee requests a specific and available reasonableaccommodation that the employer fails to provide. (Nadaf-Rahrov v. Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. (2008)166 Cal.App.4th 952, 983.) Employers must make a reasonable accommodation for the knowndisabilities of employees to enable them to perform a position’s essential functions, unless doing sowould produce undue hardship to the employer’s operations. (Gov. C. § 12940(m); 2 Cal.C.Regs. §11068(a); Fisher v. Sup. Ct. (Alpha Therapeutic Corp.)(1986) 177 Cal.App.3d 779, 783.)As set forth above, Plaintiff does not sufficiently allege that: she had a disability; Defendant knewof any alleged disability; or that she was qualified to perform the essential functions of her position. Inaddition, while Plaintiff alleges that she asked for time off, it does not appear from the allegations of theComplaint that this was a request for an accommodation. Accordingly, Plaintiff fails to allege sufficientfacts to state a cause of action for failure to accommodate, and the demurrer to this cause of actionshould be sustained.C. Failure to Engage in the Interactive ProcessThe FEHA requirement of a good-faith interactive process with a disabled employee requires aninformal process with the employee to attempt to identify reasonable accommodations. (Nealy v. City ofSanta Monica (2015) 234 Cal.App.4th 359, 379.) Both the employer and the employee are responsiblefor participating in the interactive process, but typically, the employee must initiate the process unlessthe disability and resulting limitations are obvious. (Featherstone v. Southern California PermanenteMedical Group (2017) 10 Cal.App.5th 1150, 1169.) To prevail on a FEHA claim for failure to engage in theinteractive process, an employee must identify a reasonable accommodation that would have beenavailable at the time the interactive process occurred. (Id.)In the present case, as discussed above, the allegations are insufficient to show Plaintiff had adisability; Defendant knew about the disability; and/or that Plaintiff requested reasonableaccommodation. Accordingly, the demurrer to this cause of action is sustained.D. Race DiscriminationTo plead a claim for race discrimination under FEHA, a plaintiff must allege the following elements:“(1) the employee’s membership in a classification protected by the statute; (2) discriminatory animus onthe part of the employer toward members of that classification; (3) an action by the employer adverse tothe employee’s interests; (4) a causal link between the discriminatory animus and the adverse action; (5)damage to the employee; and (6) a causal link between the adverse action and the damage.” (Mamou v.Trendwest Resorts, Inc. (2008) 165 Cal.App.4th 686, 713.) [emphasis added].) An adverse employmentaction is defined “generally as one that materially affect[s] the terms and conditions of employment.”(Featherstone v. S. Cal. Permanente Med. Grp. (2017) 10 Cal.App.5th 1150, 1161 [quoting Yanowitz v.L’Oreal USA Inc. (2005) 36 Cal.4th 1028, 1051, fn. 9].)In the present case, Plaintiff alleges she is black, and therefore a member of a protected class,and that she suffered adverse employment actions, including being placed on administrative leave,demotion, and termination. (Complaint at ¶¶ 8-10, 30-34.) However, Plaintiff does not allege facts thatshow a discriminatory animus on the part of Defendant, or a causal connection between thediscriminatory animus and the adverse action. Accordingly, her cause of action is not sufficiently pledand the demurrer to this cause of action is sustained.E. Race Harassment/Hostile Work EnvironmentIn order to state a cause of action for racial harassment under FEHA, a plaintiff must allege: (1)she was subjected to unwelcome harassment; (2) the harassment complained of was based on plaintiff’srace; and (3) the harassment complained of was sufficiently pervasive so as to alter the conditions ofemployment and create an abusive working environment. (Fisher v. San Pedro Peninsula Hosp. (1989) 214Cal.App.3d 590, 608.) To constitute harassment, the conduct must be so objectively severe or pervasiveas “‘to create a hostile or abusive working environment.’” (Serri v. Santa Clara Univ. (2014) 226Cal.App.4th 830, 870.) Factors to consider in this context include the frequency of the conduct, its severity,whether it is physically threatening or humiliating, and whether it unreasonably interferes with theemployee’s work performance. (Id.) “In determining what constitutes ‘sufficiently pervasive’ harassment,the courts have held that acts of harassment cannot be occasional, isolated, sporadic, or trivial, rather theplaintiff must show a concerted pattern of harassment of a repeated, routine or a generalized nature.”(Fisher, supra, 214 Cal.App.3d at 610.)Plaintiff alleges she was subjected to harassment due to her race, which is sufficient to meet thefirst two elements of this cause of action. Plaintiff then alleges that “Defendant engaged in a pattern andpractice of racial harassment that was severe and pervasive.” (Complaint at ¶¶ 76-77.) However, thisconclusory statement is not supported by the specific allegations of the Complaint. Instead, the followingallegations are the total specific racial comments alleged to have been made to (or in the presence of)Plaintiff: in early 2019, Wood commented that Plaintiff is from “a rough urban area where all of the ethnicpeople live” [Complaint at ¶ 15]; in late 2019, Larson said “what’s up N-word” to Plaintiff once [Complaintat ¶ 16]; in July 2020, Wood asked Plaintiff he opinion about the George Floyd protests and then told herhe had a right to get his gun and shoot protesters [Complaint at ¶ 17]; also in July 2020, Rabidou wore acostume that made him resemble Abraha Lincoln and was asked, in Plaintiff's presence, if he was “freeingthe slaves this week” [Complaint at ¶ 18]; and in April 2023, Cole gave Plaintiff a copy of the film “CreatedEqual” by US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and told her to watch it while he and Wood laughed[Complaint at ¶ 27].Five instances over the course of over four years is not a high frequency; the comments/conduct,while unpleasant, are occasional and sporadic; the conduct is not physically threatening or humiliating;and Plaintiff does not allege that the comments/conduct interfered with her work. Therefore, Plaintifffails to allege facts showing the alleged harassment was severe or pervasive. (See, Serri, supra, 226Cal.App.4th at 870; Fisher, supra, 214 Cal.App.3d at 610.) Accordingly, the demurrer to this cause of actionis sustained.F. Retaliation for Requesting AccommodationsLabor Code § 12940(m) states it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against a person forrequesting an accommodation. (Id.) To establish a prima facie case of retaliation, plaintiff must showthat (1) she engaged in a protected activity; (2) the employer subjected plaintiff to an adverseemployment action; and (3) a causal link exists between the protected activity and the employer’saction. (Yanowitz v. L’Oreal USA, Inc. (2005) 36 Cal.4th 1028, 1042.) A causal link may be established byinference derived from circ*mstantial evidence, including the proximity in time between the protectedaction and alleged retaliatory employment decision. (Morgan v. Regents of Univ. of Calif. (2000) 88Cal.App.4th 52, 69.)Here, as set forth above, Plaintiff fails to allege facts showing she requested an accommodation,i.e., engaged in a protected activity. Accordingly, she fails to allege sufficient facts to support this causeof action and the demurrer is sustained.G. Retaliation in Violation of Gov. Code § 12940(h)Pursuant to Gov. Code § 12940(h), it is an unlawful employment practice for an employer “todischarge, expel, or otherwise discriminate against any person because the person has opposed anypractices forbidden [by FEHA] or because the person has filed a complaint, testified, or assisted in anyproceeding under [FEHA].” (Gov. Code § 12940(h).) As with the prior cause of action, in order to establisha prima facie case of retaliation under either subsection, a plaintiff must a plaintiff must show: (1) he orshe engaged in a protected activity; (2) the employer subjected the employee to an adverse employmentaction; and (3) a causal link existed between the protected activity and the employer’s action. (Yanowitz,supra, 36 Cal.4th 1028, 1042; Cornell v. Berkeley Tennis Club (2017) 18 Cal.App.5th 908, 942.)In the present case, to support this cause of action, Plaintiff alleges, in a conclusory fashion, thatshe engaged in a protected activity and Defendant retaliated. (Complaint at ¶¶ 90-91.) She does notidentify what protected activity she engaged in. She also does not allege facts to show a causal connectionbetween any alleged protected activity and the adverse employment actions. Accordingly, she fails toallege sufficient facts to support this cause of action and the demurrer is sustained.H. Failure to Prevent Discrimination, Harassment, and RetaliationFailure to take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation fromoccurring is another unlawful employment practice under FEHA. (Gov. Code, §12904(k).) When aplaintiff seeks to recover damages based on a claim of an employer’s failure to prevent discrimination orharassment in violation of FEHA, three essential elements must be shown: (1) the plaintiff was subjectedto discrimination, harassment, or retaliation; and (2) the defendant failed to take all reasonable steps toprevent discrimination, harassment, or retaliation; and (3) this failure caused the plaintiff to sufferinjury, damage, loss, or harm. (Gov. Code, §12940(k); Trujillo v. North County Transit District (1998) 63Cal.App.4th 280, 288-289.) Here, without sufficiently pleading the underlying claims for discrimination,harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of FEHA, Plaintiff cannot state a claim for failure to preventthis unlawful conduct. Accordingly, the demurrer to this cause of action is sustained.The Demurrer is Sustained with 30 days leave to amend.
Aug 08, 2024 |BC674357
Case Number: BC674357 Hearing Date: August 8, 2024 Dept: 20 Tentative Ruling Judge Kevin C. Brazile Department 20 Hearing Date: August 8, 2024 Case Name: DONE! Ventures, LLC v. Jamgotchian, et al. Case No.: BC674357 Matter: Motion for Attorneys Fees Moving Party: Plaintiff Coastal Laundromat, Inc. Responding Party: Defendants El Segundo Plaza Associates L.P. and Theta Holding IV, Inc. Notice: OK Ruling: The Motion is granted in part. Coastal to give notice. If counsel do not submit on the tentative, they are strongly encouraged to appear by LACourtConnect rather than in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On February 7, 2023, a jury entered verdicts in favor of Plaintiffs DONE! Ventures, LLC (Done!) and Coastal Laundromat, Inc. (Coastal), and against Defendants Jerry Jamgotchian, El Segundo Plaza Associates L.P. (ESPA), and Theta Holding IV, Inc. (Theta) for Plaintiffs claims for interference with contract, negligent interference with prospective economic advantage, and breach of contract. On May 8, 2023, the Court entered a judgment on the verdict. On July 12, 2023, the Court ruled on a motion for new trial/JNOV, stating that the amount of punitive damages awarded by the jury was improper and that Coastal was either to stipulate to $525,000 or else the Court would grant a new trial only as to the amount of punitive damages. Coastal stipulated to taking less punitive damages. On September 5, 2023, the Court ruled on Coastals motion for attorneys fees and prejudgment interest. Prejudgment interest was rejected, but the Court awarded $357,673 in fees. On February 6, 2024, the Court entered a final ruling denying Defendants motion to tax costs with respect to Done!. That ruling also rejected prejudgment interest for Done!. On February 27, 2024, the Court entered an amended judgment, which reduced the amount of punitive damages to be obtained by Done! and indicated the amount of fees, costs, and prejudgment interest to be awarded as discussed above. On March 27, 2024, the Court denied Defendants request to amend the February 27, 2024, judgment as follows: (1) amend title of the Courts February 27, 2024, judgment to read Final Judgment and not its current incorrect and misleading title, Amended Judgment, (2) Amend the date of the Courts award of post-judgment interest from May 8, 2023 (date of the Courts interim, non-final jury verdict judgment) to the date of final judgment, or February 27, 2024 (the date the Court signed final judgment in this case, erroneously entitled Amended Judgment, as above), as the May 8, 2023 interim judgment is void and no longer has any force and effect by operation of law. The Court also denied Defendants request to quash all outstanding levies issued under the Courts interim - and now void and unenforceable - May 8, 2023 jury verdict judgment. Coastal now seeks an order awarding it attorneys' fees incurred for the period between July 25, 2023 and March 31, 2024 in dealing with post-judgment matters and enforcement of the judgment. The total amount sought by this motion is $122,488, and the fees are sought jointly and severally against judgment debtors Theta Holding IV, Inc. and El Segundo Plaza Associates, L.P. and in favor of Coastal Laundromat, Inc. As mentioned, on September 5, 2023, the Court awarded attorneys fees to Coastal as a prevailing party and stated, the lease with ESPA allows for contractual fees, and the purchase agreement with Theta also allows for tort fees. Therefore, fees can be awarded against both ESPA and Theta. This finding applies equally here, and fees are further permissible under Code Civ. Proc. § 685.040. The subject fee request is as follows: Hill Farrer & Burrill: 42.4 hours by Mr. Hix at $565.00 per hour ($23,956) and 1.4 hours by Michael Collins at $600 per hour ($840) for a total of $24,796.00; Kyle P. Kelley: 97.2 hours at $635.00 per hour for a total of $61,722; andGretchen Lichtenberger: 101.8 hours at $350.00 per hour for a total of $35,630.00 in fees. Kelley is a collections attorney that has successfully pursued two cases against Jamgotchian in the past. Kelley is a member of the California State Bar and often litigates in California, despite living in Texas. Lichtenberger is a paralegal that often works with Kelley. Kelley and Lichtenberger provide a succinct and reasonable explanation as to how fees were allocated between Coastal and Done! within their declarations. Defendants present an endless bevy of arguments against the subject fee request that can be summarized in the Conclusion section of their briefing. The Court has considered these arguments and finds that they mostly lack merit as being unsubstantiated, speculative, or plain false. The only adjustment the Court will make is to reduce the hourly rate of Kelley from $635 to $500 and the rate of Lichtenberger from $350 to $250. In sum, the Motion for Attorneys Fees is granted in part. A proposed order is to be submitted accordingly. The Requests for Judicial Notice are granted. The objections are overruled. Coastal to give notice. If counsel do not submit on the tentative, they are strongly encouraged to appear by LACourtConnect rather than in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aug 07, 2024 |22STCV24782
Case Number: 22STCV24782 Hearing Date: August 7, 2024 Dept: 78 Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles Department 78 ¿ DANIEL CHU, Plaintiff(s), vs. GRCA2 DEVELOPMENT, LLC, et al., Defendant(s). Case No.:¿ 22STCV24782 Hearing Date: August 7, 2024 [TENTATIVE] ORDER CONTINUING DEFENDANTS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT The Court requires more time to review and consider the briefs. On the Court's own motion, the Hearing on Motion for Summary Judgment scheduled for August 7, 2024 is continued to _________________in Department 78 at Stanley Mosk Courthouse. Moving Party is ordered to give notice. DATED: August 6, 2024 __________________________ Hon. Michelle C. Kim Judge of the Superior Court PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: " Parties are encouraged to meet and confer after reading this tentative ruling to see if they can reach an agreement. " If a party intends to submit on this tentative ruling, the party must send an email to the court at with the Subject line SUBMIT followed by the case number. The body of the email must include the hearing date and time, counsels contact information, and the identity of the party submitting. " Unless all parties submit by email to this tentative ruling, the parties should arrange to appear remotely (encouraged) or in person for oral argument. You should assume that others may appear at the hearing to argue. " If the parties neither submit nor appear at hearing, the Court may take the motion off calendar or adopt the tentative ruling as the order of the Court. After the Court has issued a tentative ruling, the Court may prohibit the withdrawal of the subject motion without leave.
Aug 08, 2024 |22STCV32363
Case Number: 22STCV32363 Hearing Date: August 8, 2024 Dept: 37 HEARING DATE: Monday, July 22, 2024 CASE NUMBER: 22STCV32363 CASE NAME: Boyle Flats Food & Beverage, Inc., et al. v. Alex Koons MOVING PARTY: Defendant Daleyn Accountancy, Inc. OPPOSING PARTY: Plaintiffs/Cross-Defendants Boyle Flats Food & Beverage, Inc. and Ted Yenawine TRIAL DATE: Not Set PROOF OF SERVICE: OK PROCEEDING: Demurrer with Motion to Strike Third Amended Complaint OPPOSITION: 08 July 2024 REPLY: 12 July 2024 TENTATIVE: Defendant Daleyns demurrer is sustained with leave to amend. The motion to strike is denied. Plaintiff is granted 30 days leave to amend. The court sets the OSC RE: Amended Complaint for _, at 8:30 a.m. Defendant to give notice. Background This is an action arising out of the formation of a California entity, Plaintiff Boyle Flats Food and Beverage, Inc dba Purgatory Pizza (BFFB) by Plaintiff Tad Yenawine (Yenawine) and Defendant Alex Koons (Koons). Plaintiffs and Defendant operated a restaurant business thus called Purgatory Pizza. The Complaint alleges Defendant took monies from Plaintiff BFFBs bank accounts for expenses to open his own pizza restaurant in 2020. The Complaint alleges Defendant applied for and received an Emergency Incident Disaster Loan (EIDL) in BFFBs name which was transferred to Defendants own account and no payments were made by Defendant for the EIDL afterwards. The Complaint also alleges Defendant abandoned his duties as manager of Purgatory Pizza and continued to pay himself his salary.¿¿ TheComplaint alleges the four causes of action: (1) breach of contract; (2) conversion; (3) fraud; and (4) breach of fiduciary duty.¿¿ On June 23, 2021, Petitioner filed a Request for Dismissal without prejudice as to his claim for writ of mandate.¿¿ On October 23, 2023, Defendant Coons filed the operative Third Amended Cross-Complaint (TACC) alleging four causes of action: (1) Dissolution of Corporation, (2) Breach of Fiduciary Duty Derivative, (3) Breach of Fiduciary Duty Individual, and (4) Failure to Reimburse Business Expenses. On February 28, 2024, the court sustained the demurrer of Defendant Daleyn Accountancy, Inc. (Daleyn) to the First Amended Complaint with leave to amend. On May 28, 2023, Plaintiffs filed the operative Third Amended Complaint (TAC) alleging eight causes of action against Defendants Koons, Daleyn, and Does 2 to 10. The TAC alleges: 1) Breach of Contract against Defendant Koons; 2) Conversion - against Defendant Koons; 3) Fraud - against Defendant Koons; 4) Breach of Fiduciary Duty - against Defendant Koons; 5) Breach of Contract against Defendant Daleyn; 6) Conversion against Defenant Daleyn; 7) Fraud against Defendant Daleyn; and 8) Breach of Fiduciary Duty - against Defendant Daleyn; The TAC alleges that Defendant Daleyn is an accounting corporation, the former corporate accountant for Plaintiff BFFB, and the current corporate accountant for Hot Tongue Pizza and the personal accountant for the Koons family. (TAC, ¶ 4.) Defendant Daleyn now moves to strike the TAC and demurs to the TAC. Plaintiffs oppose both motions. The matter is now before the court. request for JUDICIAL notice The court may take judicial notice of official acts of the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the United States and of any state of the United States, [r]ecords of (1) any court of this state or (2) any court of record of the United States or of any state of the United States, and [f]acts and propositions that are not reasonably subject to dispute and are capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. (Evid. Code § 452, subds. (c), (d), and (h).) Taking judicial notice of a document is not the same as accepting the truth of its contents or accepting a particular interpretation of its meaning. (Joslin v. H.A.S. Ins. Brokerage (1986) 184 Cal.App.3d 369, 374.) Defendant Daleyn requests judicial notice of the following: 1) Exhibit B: BFFBs corporate bylaws. (Russell Decl., Ex. B; see also Ex. C.) 2) Exhibit C: Boyle Flats Food & Beverage, Inc. Action By Written Consent In Lieu Of Meeting of Board of Directors. (Russel Decl. ¶ 7, Ex C [04/06/2023 Decl. of Koons, Ex. A].) Defendant Daleyns request for judicial notice is granted. The court takes judicial notice of BFFBs Bylaws and BFFBs Action by Written Consent but not the declarations and other attachments as the authenticity of those documents has not been established nor acquiesced to by the parties. The existence and content of the BFFBs Bylaws and BFFBs Action by Written Consent are not disputed by the parties, only the interpretation of these documents. Accordingly, judicial notice is appropriate. Discussion I. Legal Standard A. Motion to Strike ¿Any party, within the time allowed to respond to a pleading may serve and file a notice of motion to strike the whole or any part thereof. (CCP § 435(b)(1); CRC, rule 3.1322(b).) The court may, upon a motion or at any time in its discretion and upon terms it deems proper: (1) strike out any irrelevant, false, or improper matter inserted in any pleading; or (2) strike out all or any part of any pleading not drawn or filed in conformity with the laws of California, a court rule, or an order of the court. (CCP § 436(a)-(b); Stafford v. Shultz (1954) 42 Cal.2d 767, 782 [Matter in a pleading which is not essential to the claim is surplusage; probative facts are surplusage and may be stricken out or disregarded].)¿¿¿¿ B. Demurrer A demurrer is an objection to a pleading, the grounds for which are apparent from either the face of the complaint or a matter of which the court may take judicial notice. (CCP § 430.30(a); see also Blank v. Kirwan (1985) 39 Cal.3d 311, 318.)¿To survive a demurrer, the complaint need only allege facts sufficient to state a cause of action; each evidentiary fact that might eventually form part of the plaintiffs proof need not be alleged.¿(C.A. v. William S. Hart Union High School Dist. (2012) 53 Cal.4th 861, 872.)¿For the purpose of testing the sufficiency of the cause of action, the demurrer admits the truth of all material facts properly pleaded.¿ (Aubry v. Tri-City Hospital Dist. (1992) 2 Cal.4th 962, 966-967.)¿A demurrer does not admit contentions, deductions or conclusions of fact or law.¿(Daar v. Yellow Cab Co. (1967) 67 Cal.2d 695, 713.)¿¿ C. Leave to Amend Where the defect raised by a motion to strike or by demurrer is reasonably capable of cure, leave to amend is routinely and liberally granted to give the plaintiff a chance to cure the defect in question. (CLD Construction, Inc. v. City of San Ramon (2004) 120 Cal.App.4th 1141, 1146.) The burden is on the complainant to show the Court that a pleading can be amended successfully. (Goodman v. Kennedy (1976) 18 Cal.3d 335, 348.)¿¿¿ II. Motion to Strike Defendant Daleyn moves to strike the entire TAC because under the 4/23/2024 Stipulation, the court ordered Plaintiffs to file the TAC on or before May 14, 2024, but the TAC was not filed until May 28, 2024. Plaintiffs assert that the May 28, 2024, Order required Plaintiffs to file the TAC within 15 days of receipt of notice and Plaintiffs did not serve the notice until May 13, 2024, making the May 28, 2024, filing timely. The court denies the motion to strike on the basis that Defendant Daleyn suffered no prejudice in Plaintiffs delay in filing the TAC and this case should be tried on the merits. Leave to amend may be denied if there is prejudice to the opposing party, such as delay in trial, loss of critical evidence, or added costs of preparation. (Bidari v. Kelk (2023) 90 Cal.App.5th 1152, 1173.) Moreover, even if the court were to grant the motion to strike pursuant to Leader v. Health Industries of America, Inc. (2001) 89 Cal.App.4th 603, 613, Plaintiffs would be given leave to amend. Accordingly, the motion to strike is denied and the court addresses the demurrer on the merits. III. Demurrer[1] A. Yenawines Lack of Standing to Bring Action on Behalf of BFFB Defendant Daleyn asserts that under Anmaco, Inc. v. Bohlken (1993) 13 Cal.App.4th (Anmaco), Plaintiff Yenawine lacks standing to bring an action on behalf of Plaintiff BFFB. As previously noted by this court in its February 28, 2024, ruling, the Anmaco Court found that because a corporate president has no greater power than any other director, the president had no power to initiate a lawsuit in the name of the corporation against a co-director and equal shareholder. (Id. at p. 900.) Pressing the corporation into litigation as a plaintiff is inappropriate where the other shareholder-director could claim equal authority to bring suit in the corporate name. This is particularly obvious in the instant case where Bohlken is not only an equal director and shareholder, but is also Chief Executive Officer of the company. The proper vehicle for such a suit, when the gravamen of the complaint is injury to the corporation, is a shareholders derivative action. (Id. at p. 900.) In opposition, Plaintiffs argue that the Anmaco does not apply. We express no view on the president's power to institute or defend litigation in an emergency or involving an outsider or where the bylaws may grant the power to do so. (Anmaco, supra, 13 Cal.App.4th at p. 900, fn. 2.) The TAC does not allege that Plaintiff Yenawine's authority to initiate this action stemmed from an emergency or involved an outsider in a manner that would permit Yenawine to file this action. Plaintiffs cite no statute or case law that would permit Yenawine, as President of BFFB, to initiate an action against a third party without board approval. The Anmaco Court was clear that when the bylaws of the corporation do not permit the President to act without board approval [t]he president does not have the power to enter into contracts or execute other instruments or render the corporation liable for any purposes or any amount without Board authorization including the power to institute litigation in the corporate name against the other 50 percent shareholder. (Anmaco, supra, 13 Cal.App.4th at p. 898.) Plaintiffs ignored other persuasive authority cited by this court stating, the relevant inquiry is whether the president has authority to initiate any suit on behalf of the corporation when the directors are deadlocked. (Icon Internet Media, Inc. v. Johnson (C.D. Cal., Oct. 22, 2021, No. 819CV01579FLADFMX) 2021 WL 6104314, at *4 [underline original].) The California position with reference to the authority of corporate officers has been strict. Even the president, apart from acts done in the course of ordinary business, or in pursuance of apparent authority depends upon the powers conferred upon him, either by statute, corporate charter, by-laws or the directors. The mere fact that he is president, without more, does not necessarily give him greater power than any other director. (Sealand Inv. Corp. v. Emprise Inc. (1961) 190 Cal.App.2d 305, 321322; see also O'Flaherty v. Belgum (2004) 115 Cal.App.4th 1044, 1062.) Plaintiffs opposition takes the position that there are provisions in the BFFBs bylaws that permit Yenawine to initiate this action. In a conclusory manner, the TAC alleges Plaintiff Yenawine has standing to bring this action, under Corporations Code §§312, 315 and 316(c) and under terms of the BFFB bylaws and Board of Directors resolutions. (TAC, ¶ 2.) Plaintiffs BFFB and Yenawine have standing to sue Daleyn under Corporations Code §207, 315, 316(c), and the BFFB corporate Bylaws and resolutions. (TAC, ¶ 47.) The TAC fails to attach the bylaws to the complaint and fails to state under what specific provisions of the BFFB bylaws or under what specific board of director resolutions did Yenawine have the authority to bring this action. Without such facts, the allegations that Yenawine has the authority to act are conclusory. A demurrer does not admit contentions, deductions or conclusions of fact or law. (Daar v. Yellow Cab Co. (1967) 67 Cal.2d 695, 713.) Furthermore, Plaintiffs opposition fails to explain how Corp. Code §§ 207, 312, 315, and 316(c) give Yenawine the authority to bring this action against Daleyn. Plaintiffs point out that under Corp. Code, § 315(a), a majority of shareholders are needed to approve the loan to Koons, yet Plaintiffs fail to explain how majority shareholder approval gives Yenawine standing to initiate this action against Daleyn on behalf of BFFB. (See Opposition, at p. 3:27-4:2.) Plaintiff fails to cite case law showing that Yenawine as President and without board approval had the right to commence this action and what specific corporate bylaw or corporate duty Yenawine was enforcing in suing Daleyn. Lastly, the court declines to interpret BFFBs bylaws to determine if they give Yenawine the right to bring suit on behalf of BFFB without board approval when the specific provisions are not cited in the pleadings and the parties dispute the interpretation of those provisions. The hearing on demurrer may not be turned into a contested evidentiary hearing through the guise of having the court take judicial notice of documents whose truthfulness or proper interpretation are disputable. (Fremont Indemnity Co. v. Fremont General Corp. (2007) 148 Cal.App.4th 97, 114; see also Del E. Webb Corp. v. Structural Materials Co. (1981) 123 Cal.App.3d 593, 605.) Moreover, matters that may be judicially noticed are dispositive only in those instances where there is not or cannot be a factual dispute concerning that which is sought to be judicially noticed. (Cruz v. County of Los Angeles (1985) 173 Cal.App.3d 1131, 1134.) Should Defendants wish the court to determine if the bylaws give Yenawine standing to sue on behalf of BFFB, Defendants should bring a motion for summary judgment, or summary adjudication, so that the court can address the issue on the merits. Interpretation of a written instrument becomes solely a judicial function only when it is based on the words of the instrument alone, when there is no conflict in the extrinsic evidence, or when a determination was made based on incompetent evidence. (City of Hope National Medical Center v. Genentech, Inc. (2008) 43 Cal.4th 375, 395.) The demurrer to the entire complaint is sustained with leave to amend. The court next addresses Daleyns specific demurrer to the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh causes of action but issues no ruling as the demurrer to the entire TAC is already sustained. B. Fifth Cause of Action - Summary of Allegations against Defendant Daleyn On July 29, 2020, Defendant Daleyn contracted with Plaintiff BFFB to provide accounting and business advisory services (the Daleyn Contract). (TAC, ¶ 44, Ex. A.) Under Section VI of the Daleyn Contract, Daleyn was obligated to keep BFFBs financial and business operations information confidential and not misuse the information. (TAC, ¶ 45.) Section IV of the Daleyn Contract states: VI. CONFIDENTIALITY Any confidential information (including all technology, processes, trade secrets, contracts, proprietary information; the nature of the information and the manner of disclosure are such that a reasonable person would understand it to be confidential) exchanged between the Accountant and the Client in connection with the performance of the Services shall be held by the Accountant in trust for the benefit of the Client only, and the Accountant will not divulge or authorize anyone to divulge during the term of this Contract, or any period thereafter, any information or knowledge acquired in the course of its performance. (TAC, ¶ 45, Ex. 1.) The TAC alleges that when Defendant Koons began to develop plans to operate his own competing pizza restaurant, Koons contracted with Daleyn to provide accounting and business advisory services to Koons. (TAC, ¶ 47.) Daleyn became aware that Koons was taking money from BFFB bank accounts to fund his separate business. (TAC, ¶ 47.) Daleyn breached the Daleyn Contract by concealing from BFFB and its Director, Yenawine, Koons theft. (TAC, ¶¶ 47, 49.) The TAC also alleges that Daleyn suggested Koons file an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) application in BFFBs name, with the intent that the proceeds of the loan be diverted to Koons not-yet existent new business. (TAC, ¶ 48.) Daleyn and Koons failed to report to Plaintiffs that an EIDL had been submitted in BFFBs name and that such an application would expose Plaintiffs to potential civil and criminal penalties under federal law because Defendants intended to divert the loan proceeds to Koons new business. (TAC, ¶ 48.) Section VI prevents Daleyn from divulging confidential information to third parties but does not necessarily obligate Daleyn to disclose Koons conduct to Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs opposition fails to cite case law showing that the duty to maintain confidentiality requires a party to divulge information to the other party. However, the court finds that violations premised on Section V rather than Section VI may allow Plaintiffs to state a viable breach of contract claim, if Plaintiff Yenawine has standing to sue on behalf of BFFB. (See TAC, ¶ 64.) C. Sixth Cause of Action Conversion To plead a cause of action for conversion, one must allege: (1) the plaintiffs ownership or right to possession of personal property; (2) defendants disposition of the property inconsistent with plaintiffs rights; and (3) resulting damages. (Fremont Indemnity Co. v. Fremont General Corp.(2007) 148 Cal.App.4th 97, 119.) Money may be the subject of conversion if the claim involves a specific, identifiable sum . . . . (WelcoElectronics, Inc. v. Mora(2014) 223 Cal.App.4th 202, 209.) The TAC alleges that Daleyn assisted Koons in converting not less than $949,000 from BFFBs accounts. (TAC, ¶ 54.) As the TAC fails to state that a specific sum was converted or that the sum can become identifiable, the court would be inclined to sustain the demurrer to the sixth cause of action with leave to amend. (See SP Investment Fund I LLC v. Cattell (2017) 18 Cal.App.5th 898.) Moreover, the court agrees that the TAC fails to allege that Daleyn disposed or exercised dominion over the converted funds. D. Seventh Cause of Action Fraud The elements of fraud, which give rise to the tort action for deceit, are (a) misrepresentation (false representation, concealment, or nondisclosure); (b) knowledge of falsity (or scienter); (c) intent to defraud, i.e., to induce reliance; (d) justifiable reliance; and (e) resulting damage. (Lazar v. Superior Court¿(1996) 12 Cal.4th 631, 638.) In California, fraud must be pled specifically; general and conclusory allegations do not suffice.¿(Id. at p. 645.) The TAC alleges that in July 2020, Daleyn assisted Koons in fraudulently preparing and applying for an EIDL loan in BFFBs name without the Plaintiffs permission or authorization. (TAC, ¶ 56.) The TAC alleges that by not disclosing the fraudulent loan, Daleyn acted in violation of her statutory duties to BFFB and its directors. (TAC, ¶¶ 48, 56.) In addition, in June 2020, Daleyn advised Plaintiffs to execute a lease agreement personally guaranteed by Plaintiff Yenawine for a new location for BFFB when it was in fact a location for Koons planned separate business. (TAC, ¶¶ 27, 57.) In December 2020, Daleyn drafted a loan agreement wherein BFFB would loan Koons $150,000 despite knowing that Koons had converted at least $479,900 of BFFBs money for Koons personal use and that Koons had no intention of replaying the loan. (TAC, ¶ 58.) Daleyn had no reasonable expectation that Koons would repay the loan. (TAC, ¶ 58.) Moreover, Daleyn concealed Koons conversion and fraudulent EIDL loan application and diversion. (TAC, ¶ 58.) Plaintiffs reasonably relied on Daleyns fraudulent representations based on the written Daleyn Contract and Daleyns status as a state-licensed accounting firm with duties governed by state accountancy licensing law. (TAC, ¶ 60.) Daleyns omissions and failure to disclose caused Plaintiffs damages as Daleyn was helping Koons at the expense of Plaintiffs. (TAC, ¶ 61.) The court agrees that the TAC fails to allege that Daleyn intentionally concealed facts about Koons conduct with the intent to defraud Plaintiff. The TAC also fails to allege that Daleyn knowingly concealed or suppressed facts about Koons actions. E. Eighth Cause of Action Breach of Fiduciary Duty The elements of a cause of action for breach of fiduciary duty are the existence of a fiduciary relationship, its breach, and damage proximately caused by that breach. (Meister v. Mensinger (2014) 230 Cal.App.4th 381, 395.) A fiduciary relationship is any relation existing between parties to a transaction wherein one of the parties is duty bound to act with the utmost good faith for the benefit of the other party. (Cleveland v. Johnson (2012) 209 Cal.App.4th 1315, 1338.) Such a relation ordinarily arises where a confidence is reposed by one person in the integrity of another. (Ibid.) [B]efore a person can be charged with a fiduciary obligation, he must either knowingly undertake to act on behalf and for the benefit of another, or must enter into a relationship which imposes that undertaking as a matter of law. (Ibid.) Plaintiffs assert that the breach of the Daleyn Contract was a breach of Daleyns statutory duties owed to Plaintiffs pursuant to Cal. Code of Reg 16:56-56.3 and 16.57. (TAC, ¶ 63, Ex. A.) Plaintiffs also assert Daleyn breaches section V.(b) of the Daleyn Contract. (TAC, ¶ 64.) Defendant Daleyn asserts that under the Daleyn contract, a fiduciary relationship only exists between Daleyn and BFFB, not Yenawine. Therefore, Yenawine cannot assert a claim for breach of fiduciary duty. Daleyn also asserts that the TAC fails to allege that Plaintiffs did not consent to Daleyns conduct. (CACI 4102.) The court finds that the TAC does not specifically allege which specific statutes impose a fiduciary duty of Daleyn or case law that extends such duty to Yenawine as President of BFFB. Conclusion Defendant Daleyns demurrer is sustained with leave to amend. The motion to strike is denied. Plaintiff is granted 10 days leave to amend. The court sets the OSC RE: Amended Complaint for August 30, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. Defendant to give notice. [1] Pursuant to CCP §§ 430.41, 435.5(a), the meet and confer requirement has been met. (See 04/23/2024 Stipulation to File TAC)
Leaf Capital Funding, LLC vs. Sabrina Green
Aug 07, 2024 |23CECG02532
Re: Leaf Capital Funding, LLC v. Green, et al. Superior Court Case No. 23CECG02532Hearing Date: August 7, 2024 (Dept. 503)Motion: by Plaintiff for an Order Striking the Answer as to Defendant Sabrina Green and Entering DefaultTentative Ruling: To order terminating sanctions. The court strikes the Answer as to defendantSabrina Green. Plaintiff may submit an application for default against defendant SabrinaGreen. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2023.030.)Explanation: Code of Civil Procedure section 2023.010 defines “misuses of the discoveryprocess” as including, “failing to respond or submit to an authorized method of discovery”and “disobeying a court order to provide discovery.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 2023.010, subds.(d) & (g).) Code of Civil Procedure section 2023.030 states, in relevant part: To the extent authorized by the chapter governing any particular discovery method or any other provision of this title, the court, after notice to any affected party, person, or attorney, and after opportunity for hearing, may impose the following sanctions against anyone engaging in conduct that is a misuse of the discovery process: [¶] . . . [¶] (d) The court may impose a terminating sanction by one of the following orders: [¶] . . . [¶] (1) An order striking out the pleadings or parts of the pleadings of any party engaging in the misuse of the discovery process. [¶] . . . [¶] (4) An order rendering a judgment by default against that party. Noncompliance with compelled discovery justifies terminating sanctions, and, inaddition, monetary sanctions. (See Code Civ. Proc., §§ 2030.290, subd. (c), 2031.310,subd. (i).) This court is also guided by the principle that “[t]he sanctions the court mayimpose are such as are suitable and necessary to enable the party seeking discovery toobtain the objects of the discovery he seeks but the court may not impose sanctionswhich are designed not to accomplish the objects of the discovery but to imposepunishment.” (Caryl Richards, Inc. v. Superior Court (1961) 188 Cal.App.2d 300, 304.) Here, on March 28, 2024, the court ordered defendant Sabrina Green to serveverified responses to the plaintiff’s document requests and form interrogatories within 10days of the court’s order, as well as to pay $680 in monetary sanctions to plaintiff within20 days. The court’s orders were served on Ms. Green that same day. However, Ms.Green never served verified responses to any of the discovery requests, nor has she paidthe monetary sanctions as ordered, despite the passage of more than 20 days since theorder was served on her. (See Schiern Decl., ¶ 9.) There is no evidence indicating Ms.Green has made any attempt to communicate with plaintiff’s counsel regarding thediscovery requests since the orders were made. Therefore, it appears that Ms. Green is willfully refusing to comply with the court’sorder compelling her to respond to plaintiff’s discovery requests, as well as the order topay monetary sanctions. Lesser sanctions would likely be ineffective to obtain Ms.Green’s compliance here, as it appears she has no interest in responding to plaintiff’sdiscovery or otherwise participating in the action. As a result, the court orders terminatingsanctions against Ms. Green, and strikes the Answer as to Ms. Green. Plaintiff may seekentry of default against Ms. Green by filing an application for default. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.1312(a), and Code of Civil Proceduresection 1019.5, subdivision (a), no further written order is necessary. The minute orderadopting this tentative ruling will serve as the order of the court and service by the clerkwill constitute notice of the order.Tentative RulingIssued By: jyh on 8/6/24 . (Judge’s initials) (Date)
Aug 09, 2024 |CGC23611258
Matter on the Discovery Calendar for Friday, August 9, 2024, Line 3, PLAINTIFF ALDO MEJIA's Motion To Compel Further Responses To Plaintiffs Requests For Production Of Documents, Set One. Continued to September 11, 2024, on the court's motion. No JPT available. =(525)
Aug 10, 2024 |FCS053772
FCS053772Application for Sale of Dwelling Page 3 of 4TENTATIVE RULINGCounsel for Judgment Creditor to appear. There is no indication in the court’s fileestablishing that counsel prepared and submitted an order to show cause as ordered bythis court. There is also no proof of service demonstrating timely and proper service ofany order to show cause, a copy of the application, and a copy of the notice of hearingon Judgment Creditor and any occupant of the dwelling to be sold. Page 4 of 4
Aug 08, 2024 |FCS059237
FCS059237Motion to Compel ArbitrationTENTATIVE RULINGThe Court (Department Seven) self recuses pursuant to CCP Section 170.1(b)(6)(iii).Pursuant to the direction of Judge Stephen Gizzi, Supervising Judge of the CivilDivision, the matter is reassigned and continued to August 1, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.,Department Three.