The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)

F-6 Roanoke Times World-News, Sunday, March 27, 1983 Wilson From Page F-1 Wickham says he attended part of Wilson's trial last fall in Alexandria as a show of support for his old friend. "Hi, buddy," said Wilson, John style, as he was led down a corridor in handcuffs. Wilson has spoken out in public only once in the 10 months since his arrest in an angry, contemptuous, six-page statement released by his lawyer the day after Wilson's conviction on explosives-smuggling charges in Houston. broadside began. It lashed out at the Justice have been silent, much too long," the Department and the CIA for what Wilson called leaks to the news media "orchestrated with perfect timing" to influence the judge and the public against him.

"It is interesting to note that one of the functions of the CIA is to influence and sway public opinion throughout the world. They are experts in this field," Wilson wrote. I have been cut off from people and held in solitary, treated like an animal he added. Prosecutors acknowledge Wilson lost his visitor and telephone privileges and was placed in isolation after he was taped allegedly trying to arrange the murders of Assistant U.S. Attorneys E.

Lawrence Barcella Jr. and Carol Bruce from his New York jail cell last fall. "He's a mover, a guy who sleeps four or five hours a night, a guy who doesn't sit around for a month or two waiting to see what's going to happen," says one federal agent familiar with the government's five-year investigation of Wilson's alleged dealings abroad. It was typical of Wilson, the same agent says, to become so embroiled in his business deals maneuverings that he would throw caution while talking on an open telephone line. "He'd start out cautious on a phone line he suspected was tapped (by the Libyans)," says the agent, describing way Wilson would issue orders to employees (many of whom had code names) from his villa in Tripoli.

"Then he'd wind up saying, 'I want this stuff delivered right and pounding the desk." The image of Wilson as a wheeler-dealer by greed," as one prosecutor put it was bolstered by a former employee, the late Kevin P. Mulcahy, in recently released testimony before a Washington federal grand jury investigating Wilson and his onetime business partner, Francis E. Terpil. "Frank is more he's an excitement, adventure-oriented guy," said Mulcahy. "Ed is a very cold, down-to-earth, bread and butter he's a money man.

He lives, breathes and he dies a dollar. Frank can't ask for a buck; Ed can. Ed does it regularly and he's good at "He was hard-nosed, always on his toes, and not afraid to talk to anybody, from a longshoreman to the minister of education of France. He worked hard," says Wickham, who met Wilson when both men were young Marine officers in the early 1950s at Quantico. Wilson was raised on a farm in Nampa, Idaho, near Boise, according to Wickham a and court documents filed in the Wilson case.

A defense lawyer has said the family was poor. Wilson was 14 when his father died and he became the family's main provider. "He worked for the Seafarers (Union) for a year to raise money for college," says Wickham. "He prospected. He drove a cattle truck.

For a while, he and his two brothers had a combine and worked their way through the West. Then in September he'd go back to college." Stationed in Korea, Wilson was recruited out the Marines into the CIA in 1955 at the height of the Cold War. One of his earliest assignments, according to court papers and a former CIA official, as a security officer in the U-2 spy plane project. He was married in the late '50s in New Jersey, with Wickham at his side. Soon afterward he was posted to Brussels where, Wickham says, Wilson was involved as a covert operative with the international trade union movement in Europe.

A few years later, he surfaced in both North and South America. A former friend, Ernest Keiser who later would play a critical role in Wilson's arrest says he met Wilson in either Argentina or Chile in about 1960. "We had a few drinks," says Keiser, who describes himself as a former CIA contract agent. He depicts Wilson then as a "tremendous agent" and a "good man" who had grown up "very, very poor." Keiser next saw Wilson, he says, in Miami, around the time of the CIA's Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. Although he left the agency in 1971, Wilson signed on almost immediately with a then-secret naval intelligence group, Task Force 157.

A source familiar with the organization says Wil- New telescope studies stars By CHARLES HILLINGER LA Times- Washington Post Service CLARK DRY LAKE, Calif. The eerielooking giant on the barren desert floor beneath towering mountains is giving man a window to the farthest reaches of the universe. The giant an array of 720 antennas each 26 feet tall and forming two mile-long arms and a mile-long leg, is the University of Maryland's radio telescope called TPT. It is called that because each of the 720 elements is supported by slender guy wires that form a conical shape like an Indian tepee. "'In astronomy," explained astronomer Mike Mahoney, 37, "there are a variety of different instruments used to explore the heavens.

This happens to be the most sophisticated low-frequency radio telescope on Earth. It has been 15 years in the University of Maryland astronomers have been studying the universe with radio telescopes on Clark Dry Lake, in the desert near Borrego Springs, since 1961. Clark Lake Radio Observatory has been supported with several million dollars in grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation. NASA, in cooperation with the university, kept a constant watch at the observatory during the flight of Apollo 12 to ensure that radiation from bursts of energy from the sun did not endanger the astronauts. TPT is providing scientists with clues to the mechanics of the birth, life and death of stars.

It detects signals from the solar corona, pulsars, flare stars, galaxies and quasars. To learn more about the sun's corona, scientists here monitor solar flares in space and time with the radio telescope. Pulsars tiny neutron stars giving out strong radio signals are recorded by TPT, including one six miles in diameter rotating 642 times a second, 20 times faster than any known pulsar. "It is an incredible object in the late state in the evolution of a star, having a billion billion times the density of water," Mahoney said. The TPT radio telescope, the most recent developed on the site, has been fully operational less than a year.

It cost $1 million to design and build the array on the desert floor near the observatory lab jammed with computers and complex astronomical equipment. "This site was selected because the dry lake bed surrounded by mountains is one of few interference-free locations in America," Mahoney said. The five or six astronomers based at the site in the shadow of the Santa Rosa Mountains are aided by students who come from Maryland and elsewhere for on-the-job experience. Although the asronomers sometimes stay in a mobile home based at the observatory, they more often commute 12 miles to Borrego Springs. The antenna is located about 100 miles northeast of San Diego and is in a remote area reached by an unmarked dirt road.

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Wickham says he was contacted by Wilson sometime in the mid-1960s about setting up a CIA "proprietary," a legitimate business to serve as a cover for spy activities. The two men established Maritime Consulting Associates, with offices in the District of Columbia. Years later, Ernest Keiser, secretly working with U.S. authorities, visited Libya in 1981 to talk to Wilson about coming home to surrender. Keiser says that after he learned more about the terrorist training camp Wilson was running for the Libyans, "I knew what I had to do" trick Wilson into leaving Libya to be arrested by U.S.

agents. Sunday is Ladies' Nite Ladies $1.00 Tonight Neat Dress and I.D. Required Townside Road SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 a.m. p.m. A feast of brunch favorites for everyone in your family.

Including delicious Belgian waffles and omelets cooked to order. $7.95 Adults $3.50 Children Elephant Walk Restaurant Holiday Inn Tanglewood Reservations Not Necessary. RESTAURANT ELEPHANT WALTZ Sell extra gardening equipment fast with a low cost classified ad. Twice-convicted Wilson faces 2 more trials WASHINGTON Former $145,000 in fines. CIA agent Edwin P.

Wilson has Feb. 16 Indicted by a been tried three times, convict- federal grand jury in New York ed twice and acquitted once. He on charges that he conspired faces two more trials. last fall, with his 22-year-old His court record: son, Erik, to arrange the mur1982 Convict- der of two U.S. prosecutors and ed in U.S.

District Court in Al- seven others connected 17, with his exandria, of conspiracy to case or with his alleged past acsmuggle four handguns and an tivities in Libya. M-16 rifle in 1979 from Virginia March 4 Acquitted by to Libyan agents in Europe and a jury in Washington of charges North Africa in violation of fed- that he conspired in 1976 to aseral export laws. Sentenced to sassinate a political foe of Lib15 years in prison and $200,000 yan ruler Moammar Khadafy. in fines. Spring 1983 Wilson 5, 1983 Convict- and his son probably will be ed in Houston of conspiring in tried in New York on the mur1977 to ship 40 tons of C-4 high der conspiracy charges.

explosive by cargo jet from Spring 1983 Wilson Texas to Libya for use by Lib- faces trial in Washington on yan terrorists. Sentenced to 17 charges of conspiracy to export years' imprisonment and explosives to Libya. This Week only $289 -Good every Thurs. Sun. in March Your choice of any 2 or 3 items listed below (No substitutions no single or double items please) Fried baby shrimp Roast Beef Au-Jus Fried clam strips Country style steak Fried devil crab North Carolina Fried trout BBQ Fried flounder Frog Legs Fried crab cakes Fried white fish Fried chicken BBQ Rib-E-Ques Pork chopettes Deviled clams Broiled Chicken Livers Fresh Farm Raised Catfish (Fried Only) Please present coupon when ordering.

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Roast Beef Dinner with baked potato 2. Philly Style Steak Sandwich with baked potato 3. Ham Steak Dinner with baked potato 4. Liver and Onions with baked potato 5. The Manager's Special Selection of the day Sunday 4 P.M.-9 P.M.

Sorry, No "Take Out" on Specials Only TOP (U.S.D.A. CHOICE) SIRLOIN FOR $3.99 DINNER INCLUDES: VEGETABLES BAKED POTATO HOME BAKED BREAD UNLIMITED SALAD DESSERT 2020 Roanoke Road, Christiansburg 4325 Brambleton 4521 Meirose Roanoke Rt. 11 and 220 Troutville, 8686 Timberlake Lynchburg SPECIAL ENDS MARCH 31, 1983 Mill Mountain Playhouse Summer 83 deason $2935 EACH (4 Admissions) Tuck a Ticket in Your Easter Basket 344-2057 P.O. Box 505, Roanoke, VA 24003 VISA 'RACING Parts Trade Show Roanoke Civic Center Sunday, March 27 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Drag-Oval-4x4 Bid on Car driven by Barry Beggarly at Franklin County Speedway (the winningest car in Virginia will be auctioned).

New race cars will be on display. Buy Trade Sell 703-366-0872 Few, other than astronomers, have ever been here. "Now and then, a visitor like Shelby Brown arrives on hands and knees after a harrowing climb over the mountains in the hot desert Mahoney said. Brown, 32, stumbled into the observatory May 9, 1980, and collapsed outside the lab. Revived by astronomers, he later wrote in the observatory's visitor's book: "Without water at least five days.

My only moisture came from barrel cactus and small pieces of rattlesnake. I will remember the astronomers for the remainder of my days. "They not only have their ears turned toward outer space, but also toward inner space the hearts of others. GIGANTIC Men's Ladies' CLOTHING Warehouse SALE NOW GOING ON 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.

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The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia (2024)
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