Washington Daily News from Washington, North Carolina (2024)

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A i si UNITED EATURE WEATHER Th eGre a ter' Washing ton News or Greater Beaufort County WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY ATERNOON JUNE 10 1935 PRICE IVE CENTS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TAXI 7 in II WILL ROGERS SAYS and sit NOW and THEN John Bragaw By 6 (Continued on Page night) and 11 other etart (Oottatl Blftt) HIS UNNIEST ii it IQ ftft ft ft the Dr the ft SHIPS 33 PER CENT ALL POTATOES IN DURING WEEK END SENIORS AT STATE GRADUATETONIGHT Daughter Named Principal Beneficiary Churches and Homes Are Remembered NC INSTITUTIONS BENEIT GREATLY IN ESTATE EASTERN CAROLINA CROPS SUER ROM EXCESSIVE RAIN AND HAIL Transfer Tax Appraisal To day Shows Net Estate of Benjamin Duke Action Indicates Submission to Demands and Complete Surrender SB ft I CHINESE TROOPS EVACUATE REGION SHRINE VISITORS ATTEND CONGRESS ft ft 'J TODAY TUESDAY rels $175 and $180 Mt Olive bairels $180 and $195 Trices tfrom OB shipping points No 1 barrels $2 sacks $125 with few at $120 4 Carlot shipments June 8' fol lows: 328 California 514 Alabama 46 Arkansas 11 lor ida 1 Louisiana 46 Mississippi 9 Oklohama 1 South Carolina 5 Texas 22 Norfolk 27 East ern Shore Virginia 28 Maine 123 Idaho 36 Michigan 7 1 New York T8 Washington 6 Wisconsin 54 Total shipment was 992 cars of which 685 were pew and 309 were old potatoes Markets: Philadelphia: 96 cars new arrived Demand moderate Miltiarism Copied rom Others Says Dr Alpine CONVICTS ATTACK GUARD TO ESCAPE CAMP IN HALIAX ft Extra! Delightful Inin Comedy and New Novelty ft OUNDED 26TH NO 255 EIGHT PAGES TODAY Duce Startled by Bitter ness of Anti British" Cam paign in Italian Newspapers Represent Local Christian Church at Meeting at lat Rock reach several thousand dollars Bunyan and Blounts Creek and sections near Williamston were said tphave been' affected the most In Wilson county Commission er I Shelton is said to have lost approximately 90 per cent of his tobacco crop of 44 acres Da mages of several thousand dollars were in the Stantonsburg section In Wayne arm Agent Mintz showed damages in excess of $'100000 in the Patetown sec tion The tobacco crop was wiped out in an area of seven by three miles Corn cotton and truck crops also suffered orty chick ens were killed on one farm by hailstones tons of which were said to have remained in the fields for some tittie Ruling On Liquor Injunction Is Set riday June 14 Wilmington June 10 Judge Paul rizzelle has postponed? un til riday June 14 hearing on an injunction petition brought by in dependent dry' forces to forbid the county commission from proceed ing with plans to hold a liquor re ferendum on July 2 A temporary restraining order was signed recently by Judge Crajimer but was made return able to Judge rizzelle here This action was the first on the part of dry forces to halt machin ery provided at the last session of the general assembly whereby 18 counties and two towns may sell whiskey if their voters so desire in the referendum New Works Progress Director To Speak Chapel Hill June 10 George Coan who has just been appointed director of the new Works Progress Division for Noith Carolina is on the list of federal administrators to address city and county officials attending the Institue of Government ses sions here Monday and Tuesday Mr Coan will appear on the program on ederal Legislation and Agencies Monday night a long with Senator Bailey Con gressman Doughton Herman Bai ty State Engineer for the A Mrs Thomas Thomas Berry director of the North Car olina A and the State heads of the other dhief federal agencies Reservations were already in this morning from upwards of 50 cities and counties and all indi cations were that the 1935 ses sions for the interpretation of new State and ederal legislation would draw a heavy attendance Of local officials from every sec tion of the State Tokyo June 10 (AP) Chinese troops were reported in news dispatches today started their evacuation China signalizing that sages described I Red ezzes Appearing Everywhere Add Color to Scene In Sessions 3DH Members oi This Class Will Receive De grees At Exercises a While 'some sections in Eastern Carolina are badly in need of rain reports are to the effect that oth er areas have been getting too much rain resultingin damage to crops Excessive rain and hail were reported in Pamlico Craven Lenoir and Wayne counties In Pamlico county between Bay boro and New Bern a heavy down fall was reported recentlyiA cloud burst occurred between ort Barn well and Creek si At the same time it was reported that farmers in Greene county are bad ly in need of moisture Suffer Prom Hail 'iWayne Wilson's? and1 Beaufort Counties suffered more than other sections from hail during last week It is expected that crop damage in Beaufort i expected to copied her militarism from the western declar ed Dr McAlpine Presby terian missionary1 in addressing the congregation of the irst Presbyterian church of Washing ton Sunday night Japanese are a courteous and unselfish peo ple but are quick to Dr McAlpine told of 300 years isolation and how Com modore visit reopened the empire to world commercial inter course He stated Japan felt grateful to the United States and even talked of adopting the Chris tian 'religion as their state re ligion but that the exclusionlaws vut them to the quick Japanese are a people who keep their word but aie quick to follow suit when given an exam Dr McAlpine stated ties became mere scraps of paper to the Japanese when they saw other 'nations ignoring The missionary said with millions of gods and multi tudes of religions is still without CHe also spoke of the non moral life of the Japanese and their vicious marriage practices item about a man who collapsed his office Nervous break down from over Then the chance and she took it: think you are pretty safe with the little work that YOU Washington June 10 (AP) The Shripers convention domina ted the Washington scene red fezzes appearing everywhere and giving color to the senate House galleries Amendments to the public util ities holding company bill were considered by the Senate Tne House was moving steadily a long with its workas it debated District of Columbia legislation Democratic leaders were eager to dispose of the utilities measure in the Senate as soon as possible so as to take care of the skeleton ized A extension TODAY TUESDAY Mhat a Show What a Cast! loral Gifts Sent Today Today is day for the loral Telegraph Delivery The florists of Washington are trying to send flowers to all and if you know of a hasn't received a bouquet call the flonst and one will be sent millions the to The Angier Duke at Duke Universi ty Durham was bequeathel $'580000 lhe widow of Duke Mis Claia 13 Duke of New Aork City was left real estate and personal ef fects amounting to $594283 and in contemplation of death it was PITTs COUNTY LIQUOR ft ELECTION SET JULY Greenville June 10 Pitt coun referendum vote on the coun ty 1 liquor control stores system will be held on July 6 it was an nounced I SPEC I ED EALING" vVoodneld June (Al i How suspicious ot one of a then number caused five negro convicts to reveal a plan to es cape was disclosed by Tol ar Superintendent of the state' prison camp here Last John had Vincent Jones negro i convict who complained of being ill was removed from a cell block where a group bf unruly prison ers were confined Suddenly I ormer cell mates be gan beating him in the camp yard' Tolar investigated the attack and one of them is said to have replied: he told you a bout us cutting that The camp superintendent inves tigated and found bars of one win dow sawed He said the man told him the removal of Jones and co inccndentally the change guards caused them to believe Jones hau told of their plans Trouble Signal Kept Busy Sunday Thetrouble signal Sunday 'after noon at about two was giv en on account of a broken electric ft light wire The traced the wire to the corner Main and Birown streets where they found the break which was fixe'd thereby putting that circuit (back into service i are going up to Jack Russells camp in Canada for salmon think of it! Nothing to do for two solid weeks but snake out salmon 1 says their schedule is fish ing all day and bridge till mid night Pretty soft! asked how he and the rest of the gang managed to take a vacation without their wives He said their wives insisted on their going The wives realize that this is the only kind of vacation that does a man any good intelligent wom en those wives Doc asked me to join their party I told him like nothing better but it seem quite fair to go on a vaca tion without drag I mean taking you along" i His wife had kept her mouth shut until i then but he did not know when to stop He says one thing moie: an Copyright 1 935 By ThevAssoci ated Press) i Paris June (AP)ft Premier Benito Mussolini ordered1 Italian newspapers today to moderate the bitterness of their articles on Great Britain in connection with the Italo Ethiopian dispute Although he did not demand the press to suspend its anti British comment entirely the premier acting through his son in law Count Galezzo Ciano under secre tary of state for rance and pro paganda enjoined publication to keep the tone of their campaign within such limitations 7 Duce Startled II Duce is said to have been startled by the extreme degree ot AOtagoitugn'reflfiCteiLin newspaper articles and editorials of the last few days The torrent of denunciation East African crisis culminated in Great Britain's attitvde toward tne a front page editorial in the bu per ascist daily in which the British were warned that if they wanted war they might have it Classification 830 Postoffices Raised Washington June 10 (AP) The post office depart ment today elevated the classifi cation of 830 postmasters giving them an increased salary as the result of what was called an im provement in business conditions Changes in the classes of post offices resulted from the annual readjustment of sal aries effective July 1 1935 in cluding second class to first class Greenville Kinston and New Bern postonices were affected i Early this morning fourteen Of the members of the Christian church of Washingtons deft for lat Rock to attend the Young Confeience of the Dis ciples of Christ of North Carolina which is held this week at Bon clorken Hotel More than two hundred are ex pected to attend going iioin the lural churches of this denomina tion Kinston Wilson Greenville will be well represented The young people attending from this local church are: Eliza beth Silverthorne rances and Le on Roebuck Lucy Mae Lilley MiL di ed Cutlgr Mary Doughty Jarvis Alhgood Vivian Cutler Ruth Tyre Hope Davis Calore Jarvis Ray Silverthorne Mrs Roe buck and Mrs enner Cutler ac companied them as chaperones More Counties Join orest ire Control Raleigh June 10 Three addi 1 tional counties have signified then intention of coopeiating vith the Department of Conservation and ft Development in the control of for cst fireswith the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1 brings ing the number of counties to 47' the largest number ever within ft the cooperative system at one ftft time McCormick assistant state forester announced today The additions to the list of counties providing for a forest fire control organization are On slow Jones and Yancey Appro priations made by the counties will I will trust that He who heeds ft The life that lies in mead and wold Who hangs yon enmson beads And stains those mosses green and gold Will still as He bath done in cline His gracipus care to me and mine Whitt er ailures Come When God IsIgnored Says RevL Everett result when God has been left declared the Rev Everett pastor of the ust Baptist church in preaching Sun day morning on One Great Need of America wonder why things cbllapse and adversities beset us but did you take God into the partnership with the minister asked you really mean it when you sing Thine Own Way The practices of our daily lives be lie our professions" 'ft The stagnancy of some church members came in for a scoring wonder the power of the church to win souls to Christ has diminished when professing Chris tians and church members have failed to disassociate themselves with worldly pleasures until you can hardly distinguish them from the non professing person" Birthday Tonight or School Each vear the women of the Southern Presbyterian church hold what is called and the amounts realized from these parties through the church are given to some worthy cause or institution This year the a mount collected will go to the Golden Castle school of the for eign missions in Japan The tonight at the irst Presbytermtfchurch will be in the nature o(an 'alumnae meeting of the Gfrlden Castle school Participants in pageant depicting the alumnae of the school will be dressed picturesque Japanese costumes Dr McAlpine founder of the school who is visiting in the city will be present A cordial invitation to all per sons men and women is extended to attend this program MUSSOLINI TELLS PRESS TO LET UP 'ftft1 A' ft SLIGHTLY ALLAYS EARS London June 10 (AP) Word that Premier Mussolini has applied the soft pedal to the anti British campaign in the Itlaian press was said today to only slightly allay the concern with which Great Bri tain views the Itaio rthiopian uation 14 PERSONS GO TO CONERENCE Must Have Names On County Books To Vgte June 29 gieat many people who registered for the last' city lection'do not have their names on the county books" says C1 Gravely will cause quite a bit1 of con fusion at the poles June It was stated that the books will be open through June 15 the registrar sitting at the poles each Saturday through the 15th you are in doubt about your name call the registrar at 417 or see him at any Mr Gravely urges not confuse the city and coun ty also shown she received $63121 in gifts 'Similarly the daughter gets $100006 and also the residuary share of $4921867 51 Benef iciariesl Thirty five personal benefici aries received bequests of more than $6000 Public bequests included the North Carolina Conference of church South at Western North Carolina Confer ence of the' church at Charlotte and the Home Inc ot Winston Salem $50000 each and the I Home at Goldsboro and Pythian1 Home $5000 each Japanese tb have of north the mes complete surrender to the demands of Jap anese military authorities These reports said the threat of an occupation by General Jiro was suf ficient to persuade Chinese Na tional government to capitulate to Japan's requirements for estab lishment of a new regime in north China 1 As a consequence the dispatch said The Japanese troops concen trated in Hopeh province al though ready for action will not be called to move southward at least for the present "The report indicated that a precedent had been established conceding the Ja panese army the right to dictate to their minister and what troops shall be stationed in Hopeh (This' area forms the heart of the old Chinese empire and contains the ancient capital of Peiping as well as the commercial metropolis of the north) 4 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Heather Angel Roger 1 Pryor 4 1 TT 1 xxr i NEW STRAND ft ft Salt Lake City June 10 (AP) ederal agents 'were on the trail of one suspect in the George Weyerhaeuser kidnaping case today while two alleged con fessed memb'dts of the gang were incustody of agents here The great manhunt broke wide open last night when Ed gar Hoover director of the De partment of Justice announced at Washington that HermanW Waley 24 year old ex convict and his 19 year old wife had been arrestfecl here and confessed par ticipation the $200000 kidnap ing of the young Tacoma lumber fortune hen sA widespread search for William Mahan also an ex convict center ed at Butte Mont where he is said to have fled yesterday after deserting the motor car which police discovered $15155 of the lansom money Mahan Is Recognized "Mahan was recognized by Mooney a city detective but the suspect escaped when the officer was halted abruptly in his pursuit by a bulldog Members of Mrs fami ly disclosed' today that Waley was the son of a1 former employe of the Weyerhaeuser lumber mills in1 the Pacific northwest? Taken Into Custody fMrs' Waley was taken into cus tody when she allegedly ed to pass a $5 bill identified as a part of the ransom money She isfthe daughter of George Sullen member of a Lake City fam ily Relatives said she nev er been Yilfttropble1 before" andthaftsheft srfedWaley about a agoJaBaiASrui Udshes of her family They left for Tacoffia shortly afterthe wedding i Waley was picked up at a house where the couple had been living He was also reported by the De partment of Justice to have con fessed implicating Mahan ft ft fth S' Ex convict Player Ruled Ineligible By Minor League Body Albany June i (AP) Edwin Pitts the Ala bama lad who made Sing Sing famous on athletic fields was ruled ineligible today to play baseball in the minor league because' he is an ex conyist The decision was made by the executive committee of the National Association of Minor Leagues This action means that Com missioner Kenneshaw Iindis will probably have to make a final decision on the legality of contract with the Al bany club of the International League New York City June 10 (AP) A net estate of $7496427 was left by Benjamin Duke who died January 8 1929 according to a transfer tax appraisal filed to day fwenty two charitable and reli gious institutions get bequests of $1165000 and the principal bene ficiary is a daughter Mary Duke Biddle of New York The bulk of the estate was securities valued at $6144287 Member '1 ohacco amily Duke was a member of the fam ily which made bacco industry Memorial Inc A ft I 1 I ft WEDNESDAY ONLY 'ft A Baffling ft Murder raul Lukas Alison ampwwrui THE TURNAGE a' By Rev Edward Gilbert The inherent and underlying 'doctrinesthat all men are creat ed equal and endoweft by their Creator with certain inseparable nzhts amone which are life ftbeity and the pursuit ot'hap niness thoroughly permeates the heart and soul of America as well as the principle that each may worship God accord ing to his conscience These in alienable rights wuch our il lustrious foiefatheis declared to be self evident and which they incorporated into that imper ishable document the Constitu tion are held by every man Knot by the tolerance or grant ot tne State but by the laws of nature and the immutable de ciee of God Himself' Clearly no government is invested with the authority to destroy them and the government that attacks them performs a despicable and tyrannical act which is repu diated 'by 1 every right minded man Many are the mterpre tations of liberty and pur suit of ftn the fam ous case of Meyer 'v Nebraska (262 390)the right to woiship God according to the dictates of consience is strongly stiessed Such Unvaiymg and constant interpretation of our Consitution by the courts sus tains our beheffthat lhe gov ernment exists to enable the citizen to exercise his natural and inalienable rights To frame a constitution or to enact legislation for the purpose of preventing mail from enjoy mg his natural ot 11 1 berty is 'indeed beyond powers of any government" This right descends from God Him As Blackstone writes in his Commentaries introduc tion section 2: is of course superior in obligation to any other No human laws are of any validity if contrail to thisy and such of thenyare' valid del 1 ive all their force and ill their autbofty from this (BL Professing' out belief in the? principles of our Constitution and realizing that no govern ment can endure unless built upon such a sound philosophy we liberty loving Americans are confronted to day with a menace so terrible so insidious that it is almost incredible that such a thing could exist among the civilized peoples of today At our very door this snake is coiled ready to spring and sink its poisonous fangs into the healthy tissues 01 the country There just south of the Rio Grande the 1 once God loving cultured 1 nation is 1 Jane Darwell Dick Cromwell' Plus Comedy Hearst News Los Angeles Cal June 10 See where my old friend Alfalfa Bill Murray says he is with the Constitution if he has to be a Republican to do it With Bill joining the Supreme Court that makes ten men on it The very thing that must be avoided is to raise the number But now that my little joke is over let me tell yiou some thing about Bill Murray" My daddy was a member of the Constitutional convention that made scenario And he told me this Murray guy running this conven tion is smart on constitutional Say Bill has majored in that with a 40 year course Yours WILL INAL EDITION Member of NRA IM Th a Dall Newfl ia ort and five adjoining counties only daily newspaper and leadir all news papers morning end evening in circulation in this territory air and slightly warmer in ex treme west portion tonightjTues day mostly cloudy possible rain The Daily News offers complete coverage for the advertiser in thia secton with ninety five per cent of its circulation concentrated in this trading territory of Mexico is rapidly losing its vit ality as the people struggle to 'free themselves of the blood sucking tentacles of animals who have the temerity to call 1 themselves men Plutarcho Elias Calles a bandit an ignoramus a murderer with a mon? i grel assistants anxious to emu late their blood thirsty brothers of Red Russia are endeavoring to instill' into the heart and soul of Mexico communistic princi 1 pies which are diametrically op to those upon which our country is constructed By striving to eradicate from tho minds of men their deeply i oot ft ed belief in a personal God and that they one day will stand before tne' Tribunal of God to be judged for their actions upon Calles the ignoramus Iftb vainly thinks that he can ai com plish that which no other man 1 ever been able to do for history will testify that govern lucnts which excluded God crum 1 bled to pieces is a short time Mussolini one of the greatest and most powerful figures 7 'tne world showed profound wis dom and understanding when he stated to his' people' recently that any country who tries to destioy the Catholic Church is I do not prize the word cheap It is not a word of hope nor a word of cheer It is not a word ot inspiration It is the badge of poverty the signal of distress Cheap merchandise means cheap men and cheap men mean a cheap country William McKinley 0 0 A cartoonist to be successful must have a sense ofjiumor and he must? also have a right thor ough knowledge of human nature The cartoons which puts again I say not Webstei Al ligood show him to be equipped with both requisites ne has sev eral series and alternates them so that he never grows stale It is hard to say which are his best for all are good The Thrill 1 hat Comes Once In A Lifetime Darkest Moment The Timid Soul Bridge How)1 To Torture Your Wife 3 ft The one that 1 calls ft forth this comment is 'one of the last named series and appeared iiitthe papeis last week Leaving out the drawings which I cannot reproduce here it is a conversation between a man and his wife after' dinnerwhen he has settled down to pipe and news paper and she is reading a book The conversation is all on the part of the husband except that the wife has the last word which is enough: Says he: saw Doc today and he tells me leaving Tuesday for a two Then continues as she list ens with rapt attention and in creasing disdain and Herb end Carl' and Van mauu uy tile CUUIILIUS Will "ft be matched by funds provided by the State and ederal govern nients Two of 'the counties that have indicated their desire to co operate arc expected to make ar rangements for continuing the work for periods of five years each and it is thought that the third will probably make the same provisions In addition to the three counties three others have to i cently renewed their contracts for A' five year periods These are Richmond Bladen and Wayne? ormerly forest fire control con tracts were made on an annual basis but the longer term agree ments have been suggested by con ft servation officials order to as sure greater permanence and few er interruptions to the program Raleigh June oix long term prisoners at Cal edonia prison farm in Halifax county cracked a guard on "the head and escaped The camp guard was said in Im 1 I A xvi tiviuiaun Wiiu Was Hl chaigc of a group of prisoners in a liehl when he was struck over the head by the men Johnson was taken to the hos ft pital but officials said he was not ft thought to have been seriously hurt ederal Men Close tgBB raft On Trail Of Third Kidnaping buspect 4 A 4 loyd Johnson Caledonia Prison armln 'f jured But Not Suspicion That Prisoner Had ft Led Also to Attack of Inmate 'rftj Transportation acilities Hampered Ar City Play Host to Shrine Conclave I ft Protest Against Alleged Charging Them with Raising are Prices ft ft Washmgtor June 10 Declaring they have been hundreds of taxi cab driverswent on strike today in the midst of national conclave of Shnners which cut transportation facilities "of capital to the utmost Leaders said the drivers were protesting against flung at them in connection with the handling of the Shrine traffic They expressed resentment at published statements by William A Roberts counsel of the District of Columbia informing delegates that taxi drivers could not charge them more than the regular known lates Deny Hiking Prices The drivers declared that'Rnbj statement made it appear' that they had been trying? to the visitors while fthey had no intention of doing so (' Some visitors to the city Jrei ported on the other hand that some drivers had charged 1 them more than the regular rates With 10000 visitors pourmgdnto town to watch the elaboiate cere monies and festivities of the 61st annual cpnvention of the Ancient Arabic order of Nobles of fthe Mystic Shrine authorities feared a serious situation might develop Protest Courtesy Cars Resentment also was expressed by leaders of strikers at action that had been taken by General Motors company in connection with the Shrine conclave They said the company had provided 350 automobiles to transport Shri ners about the capital freejft of charge W'd that they didhot think it fair for them to be used on sight seeing trips to Arlington cemetery Mt Vei non and other outside points 4 TIT ft 'ft 'ft at ching asiiington Arew5 and Views Waley and Young Wife Said to Have Con fessed Part in Abduction 1 $15155 'of Weyerhaeuser Ransom Money ound inf Car Deserted By Mahan ni? TH ACCnriATD PR ft i 1 a 1 a Waihinfftonand State Special Correspondents Over Thia Section of North Carolina DAILY NEWS Haleigh June 10 Governor Ehrmghaus will present de grees tonight to 300 members of this cmor class of State College The graduation ex ercises will start at 7 0 clock The exercises will be presided over bv Col Harrelson ad ministrative head of the college short talks will be made by Governor Col Harrelson and rank Graham president of I mversitv of North Carolina Immediately following the com mencement program there will be a reception in Holladay hall foi members of the graduating class their parents and friends 'lue reception will bring to a close forty third commencement program Several thousand people are ex pected to attend the outdoor ser vices tonight The" practice of holding the graduation exercises out of doors was started several years ago and proved so popular that the practice has been contin nued until this date North Carolina shipped 328 carloads of potatoes June 8 which was 33 per cent of the 992 cars for the entire on June 8 and 9 Through June 9 North Carolina had shipped 3102 cars as compared with 1457 in 1934 Cash prices to growers for No 1 potatoes were given as follows Aurora barrels $170 and $1:75 sacks? $110 and $115 few $120 i Washington barrels $175 and $180 sacks $110 1 Columbia barrels $170 and $175 sacks $1 Pamlico county barrels $170 and $175 sacks $105 and $110 Pantego barrels $170 and $175 sacks $110 IBethel banrels $175 Whittier and $180 City bar ft 1 ft ft ft ft radl 1 ft tft 1 "2 ft ft ft ft ft ft UAff tbuL SVSsVA Juxv tv Sf rKK' ft Vt SK 115 gg.

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Washington Daily News from Washington, North Carolina (2024)


Is Washington, NC a good place to live? ›

It is a good place to retire too and raise your family at. If you love the small town way of life, you'll love Washington, NC. With a small but beautiful waterfront area to walk with a variety of local restaurants and shops, there is plenty to do. Washington is an awesome historic little town.

Why is Washington NC called Little Washington? ›

Folks call it “l*ttle Washington” to distinguish it from D.C., although some local seniors say “The Original Washington.” This handsome town on the Pamlico River is a haven from a hectic world.

Who founded Washington NC? ›

The settlement that would be called Washington appeared in the 1770s, when James Bonner started a town on his farm, which bordered the Pamlico and Tar Rivers.

What is the nicest city to live in North Carolina? ›

In addition to being named the top place to live in North Carolina, Raleigh was also among the top 25 best cities in America, best cities to raise a family and with the best public schools in the country, according to Niche.

Where is it cheaper to live in North Carolina? ›


Asheboro's cost of living is 19.5% lower than the national average. The average transportation are 25.8% lower than the national average. Asheboro's affordable food, health, housing, and transportation facilities make the city one of the cheapest places to live in North Carolina.

What is the race population in Washington, NC? ›

Racial distribution of Washington population: 49.28% are white, 43.13% are Black or African American, 0.12% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 0.87% are Asian, 2.10% are some other race and 4.50% are multiracial.

How far is Washington, NC to the beach? ›

Atlantic Beach & Emerald Isle (Distance: ~40 miles): This dynamic duo offers something for everyone. Atlantic Beach boasts a relaxed vibe with wide, family-friendly shores.

Is Washington, NC worth visiting? ›

Discover Little Washington

Consider Washington Eastern North Carolina's most beautiful little secret. With diverse shops and restaurants, rich history, a thriving arts scene, and the natural beauty of the Pamlico River, you are sure to find the ideal Washington-area experience suited just to you.

What is the racial makeup of Washington NC? ›

White: 49.28% Black or African American: 43.13% Two or more races: 4.5%

What is the crime rate in Washington, NC? ›

Washington Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes41271
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.2828.29

What is the cost of living in Washington, North Carolina? ›

Cost of Living Comparison: Washington, North Carolina to U.S. Average
Cost of Living CriteriaWashington, NC Percentage of U.S. Average
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Is Washington a nice place to live in? ›

We've got good news if you're considering a move to Washington state: It's full of great places to live! Washington has pro sports teams, plenty of job opportunities, awesome public schools and colleges, a big-time outdoors scene, and a handful of lakefront cities with gorgeous views of the water.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.